I'm not trapped, I'm happy, you fucking shit.

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Here is one of the promised updates!!!!
Levi's POV

"Levi, I'm bored," Eren whines. He is currently upside down on the couch with his head on the floor. I am attempting to make his favorite dessert, crème brûlée. It's super fucking hard, Eren should be lucky that I love him.

"How about you play a song? I know you can play multiple instruments. You've been playing since you were little. You always wanted to learn how to play before, but it was a different time. I'm glad you could learn them now," I ramble before I can stop myself. I look over at Eren to check if he's okay with what I said. Where did that little shit go? I turn back around to where he was and look around for him. Suddenly my back gets really warm and I feel a head on top of my own. "Hey, what's wrong?" I turn around to face him.

"I-i-i am so sor-r-ry Levi," Tears are falling from those beautiful Carribean blue eyes.

"Sh-h-h, it's okay, it's okay," I coo into his ear. His arms tighten around my shoulders even harder as his crying turns into sobs. I wrap my own arms around his tiny waist. He has always been skinny, in this life and in his past life too. The tears wet my t-shirt all the way down to my shoulder. "It's okay, Eren, you didn't mean to. It wasn't your fault. It was a complete accident," I attempt to whisper in his ear.

"I-i sta-a-arted to remem-m-mber," he manages to get out in between sobs.

"Love, I need you to calm down. I understand that, but I need you to tell me what you remember. That way I can fill in the gaps for you. But first, just breathe. I have never held it against you," I listen to his breathing by resting my ear against his neck. It takes some time, but eventually his breathing and heart beat goes back to normal.

"Levi, I have never, ever wanted to leave you. I remember the Titans. I remember Hanji, Erwin, Mikasa, and Armin. I remember how we were separated because we had Titans chasing us. I remember that I saw you pinned down because your 3-D maneuvering gear had jammed. I remember that I saved you, and you were holding onto my front. We were on our way back to Survery Corps. headquarters. Then a titan came. And I gave you my maneuvering gear and told you to go back. And how you were screaming at me and crying. But still how beautiful you looked, you always looked hauntingly beautiful. I yelled at you to go and told you that I loved you. And I took one last look at you, and then I bit my hand. But I couldn't shift and I watched you look on in horror at what was happening. I watched you sob while screaming my name. I was in so much pain but I could only remember you screaming that you'll always love me. Your screaming used to haunt me in my dreams. Levi I am so sorry I will never leave you again," I stood horrified as he recalled perfectly his death. My own eyes start welling up again as I remember it all.

"You're not allowed to leave me ever again. You are my one true soul mate. Something happened to my body. It must've been the titan genes or something of the sort, but after we had made love and your genes were inside of me, it made it impossible for me to age. I can't age. I have to live forever. I can't live without you again. Dear God Eren it was torture without you. Our life was thousands of years ago. Thousands. Never leave me like that again," I start going into hysterics. I start weeping violently as I try to forget my life without Eren. Thousands of years takes a toll on your mind, especially with the memories.

"Levi, shush, it's okay now, I'm here. I never plan on leaving you again. Whatever I transferred to you then, we can find out what it was and we can transfer it to me. So that you will never have to live without me again," Eren whispers to me. I start weeping harder and I pull him as close as possible to me. "I love you, Levi, I love you. I love you. I adore you. I will always cherish you. I always have and always will love you," He kisses me deeply while holding me as close as possible.

"You fucking dork, I have always loved you," I'm still crying but I kiss him back as hard as I can. I have always loved you, Eren. "Now go play some violin for me. I know you know the Carmen suite. Play that for me, love. It's my favorite," I kiss him on his cheek as I turn back to the crème brûlée. This brat is my favorite person and the only one who can see this sensitive side to me.

"Fine, fine, just let me get it out for you," he murmurs as he kisses my head. I blush and pay attention to the recipe. I hear him tune his violin and then warm-up on a couple of scales. "Hey Levi," this little shit comes waltzing into the kitchen with his violin. "How about Habernera?" He starts the famous cello part and then switches to the first violin melody in a matter of seconds.

"Yes, that one. It is my absolute favorite. Now shut up and play while I make this for you." God, do I love him.

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