As Strong as Titanium? Try as Strong as Paper (Ciel's POV)

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"Mmmm," I groan as I slowly open my eyes. I feel so comfortable for the first time in my life. I don't ever want to leave where I am. I lay my head back down and realize I'm on something warm. I raise my head to see who it is. It's Sebastian, my past lover. I smile.

Why am I not flipping out like a little bitch you say? I always knew I was different. He just confirmed it for me. I feel so guilty for not remembering him, but I do remember the love I had for him once upon a time a long long time ago. I put my head back down after checking on that god of a creature. My eyes close and I hug him closer to my body. I feel his arms tighten around me and it makes me smile.

"I love you, Sebastian. I just wish I could remember you. I know you will treat me right through. Thank you." I mumble incoherently right before drifting into sleep again.


I wake up some time later. I decide now is a good time to get up. I squirm out of Sebastian's grasp. He looks so peaceful. It wouldn't hurt to give him a kiss on his head, would it? I bend down to kiss his forehead. Unfortunately for me, he wakes up right as I do.

"Argh, Sebastian you're going to crush me." I manage to wheeze out after he brings me into a bone-crushing hug. He relaxes slightly so I can breathe.

"I love you, Ciel. Please don't leave me." He whimpers. I frown. Why did he think I was going to leave? I reach down to him and hug him back.

"I'm not planning on leaving you, baka. You waited I don't know how long to be with me again. I'm just going to go to the kitchen to grab some food. Do you want to come with?" I question the much taller male. Curse genetics. He immediately gets up.

"I am so sorry for my outburst. I would love to go with you. Thank you, my love." He recovers and gives me a warm smile. I have a feeling he doesn't give very many of those. I grab his warm hand and we head to the kitchen.

Upon arriving, I notice Levi having a very steamy make out session with a tall shota boy. I clear my throat to relieve the awkward silence while we here the shota boy's moans. Levi quickly notices and jumps off of the male.

"Hello young master." He says gruffly, probably from how hard they were making out.

"Hello to you too, Levi. Mind telling me who this shota boy is?" I ask, more curious to find out who he is. The tall male blushes.

"His name is Eren Jaeger. He came with me when you bought the house, dear." Sebastian clarified quickly. I turn to give him a strange look. He shrugs and puts his arm around my waist. Levi raises his eyebrows slightly.

"So when did you come across him, Sebastian?" Levi sniggers.

"Last night when he ran away from you. By the way, thank you for that." Sebastian smiles at him. I turn to face Sebastian, arms crossing.

"What the hell is he talking about?" I growl.

"Levi and I had planned this for awhile. Levi is a demon as well as myself. Eren is the love of his existence. For some reason, we had been the others love. We made a plan to reunite everyone to their correct partner. I had raised Eren as a child in this life, just as Levi had done with you," Sebastian says assertively. I look over at the boy named Eren. He looks shocked as well.

"Well Eren, how do you feel about all of this? I was shocked when I heard it last night. Are you doing alright?" While I normally hate people, I have a feeling Eren and I would become best friends.

I-I-I am alright. I mis-s-s-ed Levi. I remembered o-o-our past life when I was around-d-d ten. I lo-o-ove him ve-e-ery much." He stutters, obviously having a problem speaking. I turn to look at everyone.

"Well, now that's that all settled, how about some food? I'm famished." I state.

This is going to be a long week.



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