What a Shitty World

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I AM SO SORRY EVERYONE! I just started school about a week ago and I'm such a bad author for not updating! Please forgive me!

Ciel's POV
I wake up to see Sebastian next me. I smile and try to get out of bad.

"FUCK!" I scream once I realize my legs don't work too well. I lay there on the floor for a little while. Sebastian really is a heavy sleeper. What a baka. I daydream about Sebastian and I getting married and I'm at the point for our honeymoon when he finally decides to wake up.

"Ciel, are you okay my love?!?!" He says hurriedly as he gets down on his knees at my side. I glare at him.

"How are you not in pain you bastard?!" I seethe with rage. He looks at me for a moment before he bursts out laughing. This goes on for a good 5 minutes before I try to crawl away because I'm hungry.

"Ciel, no, come back! I'm sorry for laughing!" He calls behind me. My demon lover easily takes two strides before he's right by my side again. "Ciel, this is still the same body that I had when we used to have sex in your previous life. You were always ruthless and made it to the point that my hips would hurt daily so I got used to the pain. I wasn't that much better but this is a different body. You're not used to it yet, but you will be," he coos while striking my hair. I get up on my knees and straddle his lap. He seems shocked since our dicks are touching but he knows not to start anything. This is meant to be a touching moment. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"You shitty demon, of course I forgive you. I do love you even if you are a pain in my ass, and quite literally gave me one." I state, not looking up. I feel his eyes on the back of my head but then he shifts so his arms are around my waist and his head is laying against the back of my neck. "That just means we have to do it more so I can get used to the pain." I say mischievously. He strokes my back and doesn't say a word.
I could stay like this forever.

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