My Anaconda Don't

476 23 4

Ciel's POV

We stay wrapped in each other for awhile. It feels nice, and he's so warm. I snuggle closer to his chest. "Hey Sebastian?" I question.

"Yes my dear?" He answers. His voice melts my heart.

"When does school start?" I don't want to be late on the first day.

"Honestly? It starts in about four hours." Sebastian starts to get up. I whimper at the loss of contact. He chuckles and picks me up in his arms. My dear starts to dress me in our school uniform. It consists of black short shorts, a white button-up shirt, a black vest, knee-high black socks, and black dress shoes. For some reason, this feels really familiar to me.

"Thank you, dear." I say to Sebastian after he dresses me. I kiss his forehead. He blushes then turns to change himself. He dresses in a tux with a long back jacket and a red tie. "Why do we have different uniforms?"

"Because you look better in short shorts." He tells me. I blush and head out of our room. Sebastian grabs my hand as we leave the room. We grab a quick bite of toast and cereal before we head to school.

"Hey Sebastian? Do we have any classes together?" I ask as we head out of the house. We stop at a very expensive looking car. I believe it is a Camaro. Sebastian opens the passenger door for me and I get in. He runs to the driver's side and gets in.

"Ciel? Who do you think enrolled you for all your classes?" He asks while smirking. I look over at him and sigh. I smile at him. "We have every single class together. I remember how much you just loved violin in your past life, so while you were gone I perfected my ability to play it as well. We have orchestra, Japanese 3, English 12, AP Biology, Statistics, and AP Euro. All of those are in order." He tells me while driving to our school. I look at him with disbelief.

"You do realize how easy you will have it in all those classes, right?" I say, annoyed with him having so many years on me.

"You do realize that those classes are easy for you too, correct? If you remember your past life soon, you will remember all the information necessary for those classes. I glare at him, but end up squeezing his hand and staring out the window. I see in my peripheral vision that he looks at me. I turn back and give him a chaste kiss on the lips.

This stupid demon is going to be the death of me. I just hope I can remember soon enough.

Before Everyone Else (SebaCiel, Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now