Find Me El Dorado

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I've been focusing so much on The Lonely that I kind of forgot about this one..... I'm really sorry about that guys!!! I'll make sure to update this one whenever I update my other stories.

Ciel's POV
That little prank on Sebastian and Levi kind of backfired. It ended up making Eren and I feel really guilty and terrible so we spent the rest of the day with our respective partner. Sebastian was so happy, he didn't let go of me all day. When night came... Let's just say I really couldn't get out of bed the next day and Sebastian catered to my every wish. He's a great butler and one hell of a lover.

"Ciel!" Sebastian calls from downstairs. I get up from the laptop that I'm using for my schooling and head down the large staircase in search of my partner.

"Sebastian, I'm downstairs, what more do you want?" I yell as I walk into the dining room, where I see Sebastian seated with a group of at least five people. I start to back out of the room as Sebastian gets up to stop me and pulls me onto his lap after he sits back down. I glare back down at him but I stare at the guests. Who the hell are these people?

"Ciel, these people are the reincarnated versions of people you knew in your previous life. While you didn't end on good terms, they are here to make amends with you now." Sebastian says slowly as if he were talking to a frightened animal. Well, that's what I feel like right now.

"Okay, but that doesn't clarify anything. Who the hell are they?" I ask him and I hear gasps from the group. I look at Sebastian, I am very confused as to what is going on.

"I'm sorry," He says, turning back to the guests. "But Ciel seems to have no memory of his previous life outside of our relationship. It does seem bizarre that he would not remember, but his death was a strange one, so it would explain the lack of memories. I am very sorry for this. You might still be able to be friends with him in this life. He was able to befriend someone who had been reincarnated after his death in 1203 AD, so you have a good chance." He ends with a smile and the group settles down.

I give all of the guests a long look, maybe something will trigger? I stop on the girl with rather blonde hair and she seems so familiar, it's frustrating. I scan the group again and another face jumps out at me. Where is the scar that covered her eye before? Are their physical problems healed in this life? It takes me a couple of minutes before I'm able to speak up.

"I don't exactly remember you, but you are familiar to me. You," I point to the man with rather crazy hair. "Didn't you not have an arm? And you," I point at the girl who's supposed to have a scar that destroyed her eye. "Didn't you have a terrible scar over your eye?" All of the guests stare at me for a second in astonishment.

"You, you really remember that?" The eye-scar girl whispers.

"As I said before, I don't remember you, but you're familiar to me. I remember your faces and how you looked to me back then, but I don't know your names or your personality." I finish harshly. I should be nicer, but this is frustrating for me. Why can't I remember? I start to pull at my hair and curl myself into a ball on Sebastian's lap. Sebastian begins to take notice and apologizes to the guests once again before picking me up bridal style and carrying me to our room. He lays me on the bed and covers me with the blankets before giving me some sleeping medication. I gladly take the medication and give Sebastian a chaste kiss on the lips before falling to sleep.

Sebastian's POV
I sigh to myself as I kiss his forehead before I head back to everyone. As I enter the room, they all nod at me and I take my place at the table with them.

"Can he really not remember us?" Elizabeth asks. She had been Ciel's fiancée, and was very supportive of our relationship and only kept the facade to help maintain Ciel's reputation.

"I truly believe he cannot yet. Hell, he didn't even know I existed until a couple of months ago. He was under the care of Levi up until recently, and Levi's soul mate was under mine, and we traded off once Levi and Ciel arrived." I rub at my face with my hands, trying to understand the situation.

"Do you think we can be friends with him?" Doll asks me. I know Doll was very attached to Ciel in her previous life. A choruses of "Yeah, can we?" Were heard around the table.

"To be honest, it's up to Ciel," I confess. "It is his body and personality. Everything about him is the same except for his cruelty. He hasn't had the same life-changing event happen, so he has no reason to be cruel now. You'll probably be able to become friends with him, but again, he is not me, so I cannot say for 100% that he will." The table gets silent.

"Well, we should at least try!" Joker speaks up. His family nods their heads and Elizabeth smiles at him. He smiles back at her.

"I will try my hardest, I can promise that!" Elizabeth announces, followed by agreements from Doll, Beast, Dagger, and everyone else. I chuckle at their enthusiasm.

"I will give you support as his lover. You have my word that I will make sure he remembers at some point," I get up and bend down on one of my knees and bow for emphasis. I get back up and gesture towards the house. "You all are more than welcome to stay at the house for as long as you please. Just know that Ciel is still as introverted as ever in this life, and his asthma is triggered by his anxiety, so there shall be no sneaking up on him, pranks, or scaring him, otherwise it will trigger a terrible asthma attack. If I hear of this happening, I will not hesitate to deal the perpetrator twice as much pain. Do I make myself clear?" I threaten. The humans shiver as my anger lowers the temperature in the room a few degrees. They all nod solemnly. I nod back and show each person their personal room before going back to check on my lover.

This is going to get messy, I can feel it.

Before Everyone Else (SebaCiel, Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now