Can't trust anyone

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Ciel's POV

As soon as we arrive at school, it's pretty evident we're the talk of the school. A 6'4" black-haired guy that looks like he should be in college holding hands with a 5'2" Shota boy that looks young enough to be in elementary school. Yeah, because the two of us make no sense at all. The school itself looks like something out of a Disney movie. It has mile-high pillars and looks ridiculous.

"My love, this is seriously our school?" I ask him, an incredulous look on my face. He chuckles and nods. "I feel like a fucking princess should come out and cry about her prince."

"OHMYGOD THERE THEY ARE!!!!" I turn to see a crowd of teenage girls behind us.

"What do you want?" I ask in my bored tone. Secretly, I was quite worried about what they would do.

"You guys are the CUTEST couple we have ever seen here!!!! We are your fan club!" The head girl shrieks at us. We have been here for all of what, ten minutes? Do they even know our names? All of the girls start running top speed at us.

"SEBASTIAN!" I yell, hoping to grab his attention. He picks me up bride style and starts to sprint away from them. All of those girls are no match for my demon's legs. We end up at the very back of the school. It seems like a forest area connects to it. The trees look old and seem to sprawl across the horizon. Sebastian climbs up one with me on his back. We rest there for awhile. He keeps me in his lap at all times, ready to protect me if necessary.

"Ciel," He starts. I nod to let him know I'm listening. "Do you remember anything from our past life at all? Do you remember any of your servants, your house, any of it?" He seems desperate.

"I am sorry, dear, but it seems I have not. I get images sometimes when I dream but that is all. This uniform feels familiar. Our house does too. I can't place my finger on it, but I know I should remember it," I confess to my demon lover. He looks quite sorrowful. I grab the back of his neck and force him down to my height. I rest my forehead against his. "That doesn't mean I love you any less, baka."

"You are amazing," He says while nuzzling the space between the crook of my neck and my shoulder. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me so I'm straddling him now. I place my head on his chest. "We should probably get to class, but I'm almost tempted to just have you homeschooled. I know you don't like dealing with people like this, and you will have someone your age at the house. Eren is the same age as you, he choose to be homeschooled too. Why don't we go home and just forget about this stupid place?" He sounds so convincing.

"That sounds amazing, Sebastian. Let's go home." I smile back. We head back to the school with me in his arms. We both dropout of the school thanks to Sebastian's charm. He carries me to his car and we head off right back to our home. No one needs to deal with bratty teenagers all day anyways.

Before Everyone Else (SebaCiel, Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now