Because Why the Hell Not?

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Sebastian's POV
I am about ready to lose it. Ciel has been avoiding me for days. I don't know what I did. We still share the same bed during the night and he will always kiss me goodnight, but during the day is a whole other story. As soon as I wake up, he's gone, with his side of the bed being made. Apparently, Eren has been doing the same thing to Levi. We are both at a loss of what to do. I think the worst part is that once their tutor leaves after teaching them for the day, Eren and Ciel spend their whole day together. Do not get me wrong, I am very happy Ciel has become better friends with Eren. After all they are the same age. But my patience is waning thin.

Levi's POV
"Eren!" I call from across the mansion. It's around noon, and I haven't seen him since last night. Giggles erupt from the living room and I follow the sound. Inside the living room I see the two shitty brats underneath a hoard of blankets, watching a stupid movie about a white chick.

"ON WEDNESDAYS, WE WEAR PINK!" They say in unison with the movie and start giggling even more. I am about to lose my shit. Eren has been avoiding me and it is not appreciated. I love him, but he makes me want to rip my hair out.

"Oi, c'mon you two. Sebastian made lunch and I don't want either one of you to starve," I tug on Eren's blanket, trying to get his attention. Jesus Christ, the phrase "Notice me, Senpai!" would accurately describe how I feel right now. "Ereeeeeeen," I start whining. He glances at me for a second before turning back to the movie. Oh hell no. Some movie is not more important than me. I am your soulmate, you fucking shit. I waited centuries for you to be reincarnated and I will not stand for being ignored like this.

I crawl under one of the many blankets and I settle myself into Eren's lap. Our chests press together and I hum in satisfaction. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I also wrap my legs around his waist and silently sit there. Eren begins to fidget under me and I can't help but smirk. Yeah, you better wrap your arms around me. Since you're taller than me, you are required to wrap your arms around me. I hear him sigh quite loudly before wrapping his arms around my waist. Now I am engulfed in Eren and I couldn't be happier. I crane my head so my nose can press into the space where Eren's neck meets his shoulders. God, does he smell good. He still has the same exact smell back when we were fighting the Titans. Eren begins to move and then rests his own head on my left shoulder as he continues to watch the stupid movie. Good, at least he's not ignoring me now. I see Ciel look at us before sighing.

"Sebastian!" He yells. Knowing that butler, he has dropped everything he is doing to come to Ciel. That little shit is so lucky to have him. Sebastian comes running in.

"Yes, my love?" The love in Sebastian's eyes is so easy to see. I met him not too long after Ciel had died and to compare him with those dead eyes after he had been broken; the difference is incredible.

"I'm not actually mad at you. Eren and I were trying to play a prank on you and Levi. Levi was having none of it though and just look at him with Eren!" I smirk into Eren's shoulder. "Now I want to cuddle. So come here, and I promise to stop ignoring you." The sigh of relief that comes from Sebastian's lips is very easy to tell. I chuckle just low enough that only Eren and I can hear it. Eren pecks my cheek and I lean more into his soft, warm body.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again," He presses his lips to Ciel's before sitting down. Sebastian opens his arms for Ciel to crawl into them, which he does very ungracefully. He positions himself so he is sitting in between Sebastian's legs but is leaning against his chest. It looks kind of ridiculous, but as long as they're comfy. I turn back towards my own lover.

"So Eren, about you and Ciel ignoring us....." I look straight into his eyes. He can tell I am very unhappy. "If you ever do that again, I swear that not even God will be able to hide you from my anger. I love you, and I never want to be without you. So you better keep paying attention to me, 'Senpai'!" Eren just stares wide-eyed at me and nods. After I finish my sentence, Ciel and Sebastian fucking lose it. They're laughing so hard that they are rolling on top of each other with tears dripping down their faces.

Fucking dorks.

Before Everyone Else (SebaCiel, Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now