Chapter 6

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"Ouch, Pookie, that's my tail!" One yelps in excitement and agony. She jumps back as she nips on her sister's tail. They squeal and happiness not knowing what lies beyond Nixon's territory.

We watch them as they tumble around the den carelessly. Not noticing us watching them in amusement.

It reminds me when Tala and I rolled around our dens nipping and wrestling with each other. They struggle to get each other pinned on the ground. Pookie tackles the shinning, dark pup with her pointed, puppy-teeth. They begin to roll closer and closer to us. They bump right into Tala, who is standing right next to me.

"Um, ah-ya hello there." The shimmering, black pup says. She puts her ears down and slowly starts to walk back to her sister scared.

"It's okay." I say. "We won't hurt you." I look at Tala signaling her to say something.

"Oh, hi. I am Tala, and this is Miyla. We will bring you no harm. Do not be afraid." Tala says as she bows her head in guarantee.

"What are your names?" I ask, looking at both of them friendly.

"I am Pookie." She looks at her sister reassuringly. The black pup puts her head down and her tail between her legs. She slowly steps out from behind her sister.

"My name is Seia." She mumbles and she sneaks behind her soft, light brown sister. Seia is tall, but very shy. Pookie, I can tell is the runt. She may be small, but her courage, bravery, and heart are oh, so big.

Pookie begins to sniff the air, she circles us many times. Seia looks at her bewildered. She cocks her head to each side as do we as we all stare at her.

"Where did you come from? I can smell Pine. There is not a single Pineneedle for at least 23 miles from here." She asks us. She slowly circles us as if she was interrogating us.

"You have a keen sniffer there." I say. She lifts up her snout in pride from what she has found. "We are from the Northern pack. I ran away from my pack to be alone and then I collapsed in the cold, hard forest floor. It's a long story why. You can ask Tala for the details. I was then brought here by your Alpha, Nixon. He tried to flirt with me, then the humans came." I took a deep breath. Then slowly look down at my bloody, limp foot. "When I saw the chance to escape I took my first opportunity. I guess I underestimated your Alpha. When I took a sharp turn he chomped down on my foot. That is when I blacked out." I say trying to hold back a sob. The pups a look at me in great interest.

"That is where I come in." Tala begins. The pups whip their heads around and stare at Tala. "When I saw Nixon take a bite out of my best friends foot, I couldn't just watch. I rushed in there and gave those pipsqueak wolves a lesson. I also got my share of the fight too." She turned me so we can see her wounds and scrapes. "I found Miyla in this den and tried to wake her up. That is when Nixon came in. He told us we were his prisoners now. I am afraid you are too young to understand why." Tala looks at the pups with a playful grin.

"POOKIE! SEIA!" We hear someone howl outside the den.

"Oh, we need to go. Can we come back tomorrow?" Pookie asks as they begin to trot to the door.

"Of course." I say with a happy yip. After they leave, me and Tala's expressions both change as we look at each other in worry and confusion.

"What are we supposed to do now?" I ask and look around the den.

"We need to wait until your paw heals then we will decide what to do. For now lets just get some sleep." Tala says as she curls up right next to me. She rests her head on my stomach and we soon fall into a pleasant sleep.

"Goodnight Tala." I say putting my head on my fore-paws.

"Goodnight Miyla." Tala replies.

Sorry for the wait. I could find enough time to publish this. Chapter 7 will come soon. I have a bunch of plot twists up my sleeve so dont worry. It will get more interesting.

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