The castle/meeting 3 of the pups/Someone watching

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After the old woman and the horse made their get away, they started slowing down while walking through a snowy garden . . .

"Oh, Spirit you saved my life, well done" Marjorie thanked her horse, as Spirit replied with a neigh "Those wolves will have to get their dinner somewhere else, won't they?" she told Spirit while Spirt gave a snout in reply.

As the two came to a stop, Marjorie got off, of Spirit and looked around, and spotted a near by small stable. . .

"Look! There's hay. And water" the old woman pointed as she guided Spirit towards the hay and water " your all set my friend" she said to her horse as she placed him near the food and water, as Spirit started eating "I'll go pay respects to our unwitting host. Who ever that may be." Marjorie told Spirit as she headed towards the doors of the castle.

Once the old woman made her way towards the huge doors, she noticed that there was a small torch of light still on "hmm" she thought, she was about to open the huge door, when it suddenly opened by itself "Oh! thank you" the old lady thanked as she made her way in "Thank. . ." she said but paused for a moment to see that nobody was there that opened the door, which made her a bit confused, but just ignored it and closed the door behind her.

"Hello?" she gently called out, as she looked around the entrance room "Hello?" she called out again, but no answer, she slowly walked in a little further looking around so see if there's anybody. . .

"Sorry to intrude. I'm just a traveler. . . seeking shelter from the storm." she apologized as she spoke up "sorry to disturb you" she apologized again, as she took off her coat and hanged it up at a near by coat hanger, what she didn't noticed is that the coat hanger moved for a second. . .

"Anyone home?" Marjorie called out, as she rubbed her hands trying to stay warm "Anyone awake?" she asked as she looked around the other direction 

What Marjorie didn't know that two pups named Everest and Skye were watching her. . .

"she must have lost her way in the woods." Everest whispered to Skye

"Shut up! you idiot!" Skye whispered back at Everest 

Marjorie thought she heard two voices, as she looked behind her where the voices she thinks were coming from, and saw two female pups. . .  

"Excuse me?" Marjorie questioned, as she walked up towards the two pups "Hmm. did you pups say anything?" the old woman asked the two female pups, as both Everest and Skye shook their heads in response " what good girls you two are" Marjorie complemented the two female pups as she gave them, gentle pats on their heads.

After the old woman petted the two female pups, music was heard from another part of the castle, as she made her way towards the room. . .

"A lady with taste." Everest whispered 

"she was talking about me." Skye whispered back 

Once Marjorie made her way towards, to what seems too be a ball room that was frozen, where a piano was playing when it sudden stopped playing, which made her a bit confused, as she left the room. . .

"Well, wherever you are. . .I'm just going to warm myself by the fire." The old woman said as she made her way towards the warm fire, as she coughed a bit due to the cold "That's better." she said to herself as she warmed up her hands near the fire. 

After she finished warming up, she heard dishes clinging from another room, so she decided to follow the sound of the dishes clinging, once she made her way towards the dinning room, she saw three candles lit up, and fresh, cooked up food on the table. . .

"Ooh. Thank you" Marjorie thanked anyone who made the food that was nowhere to be seen, as she sat down on the chair, and started eating. . . as she ate, she noticed another pup, but smaller, that had walking wheels on his hindlegs, named Rex, brought her a cup of tea on his head, which startled the old woman a bit. . .

"Mom said I wasn't suppose to talk because it might be scary." Rex said in a small tone, as the old woman looked at him for a moment "Sorry" Rex whispered 

". . .It's all right." Marjorie told the young pup, as she swiftly got up and quickly walked out of the dinning room, and towards the entrance room. . .

"I. . .uh" she started as she stuttered her words in a bit of fright "I cannot. . . Thank you enough for your hospitality." she thanked in a frighten tone, as she grabbed her coat and headed towards the door "I'll. . . head out, and goodnight" she said as she headed out the to door.

So with that, she got on her horse and rode towards the rusty gates. . .

"Come on, Spirit! Go! Go!" Marjorie told her horse as they rode through the garden " No! wait!, wait!, wait!" she told her horse as she pulled the reins to slow down "Roses. I nearly forgot." she said as they stopped at the entrance of the small rose garden, and got off of Spirit "we're safe here" Marjorie said as she walked into the small rose garden "I promised Ryder a rose." she told her horse, as she looked around for the perfect rose, what Marjorie didn't know is that something or someone was watching her, which caught Spirit's attention, as Spirit started to panic to show Marjorie that they both had to get out of here.

As Marjorie found the perfect Rose she, carefully tried to pick the rose, but accidently pricked herself with the rose thorn, which caused her finger to bleed, since it was so dark and hard to see, as the creature growled in a low tone, once she tried again she finally got the rose unstuck from the frozen branch. . .

"There!" she said to herself

As she held the rose, a 10 foot, white, angry, female polar bear, with sharp fangs jumped down right in front of her, let out a huge loud roar, as the old woman shook in fear, and fell backwards onto the snow while the female polar bear walked on her hindlegs, towards the old woman who was shaking in so much fear.

Spirit quickly made a run for it, galloping as fast as he could back too town to go and fetch Ryder for help.


Longest one yet, hoped you liked it. :D                                                      

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