A trip back in time

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As the two reached the library, Bianca took out a book from one of the shelves and placed it on the table. . .

"Another little gift from the enchantress." Bianca said, as she opened the book, and blew off the dust "A book that truly allows you to escape." she said while placing the book on a book stander 

The enchanted book showed a map of the world, and shows small beams of light dust moving on the map. . .  

"How amazing!" Ryder said, while looking at the book

"It was his curliest trick of all." Bianca said "It was just another curse. The outside world has no place for a creature like me, but it can for you."

Bianca held her paw out, as Ryder placed his hand on her paw, while Bianca moved his hand on the map, and said. . .

"Think of the one place you've always wanted to see." as she placed her paw on top of his hand, on the book "Now find it in your mind's eye." she said while letting go "and feel it in your heart."

As Ryder thought about where he wanted to go the book started to form magic and formed into the place where Ryder and Bianca ended up in Paris, inside a small dark Windmill room. . .

"Where did you take us?" Bianca asked him 

"Paris" Ryder answered 

"Oh, I love Paris." Bianca said as she looked through the window "What would you like to see first?. . .Notre Dame. The Champs-Elysees. . .No? Too touristy?"

Ryder couldn't say a word, after a moment of not saying anything he spoke up. . .

"It's so much smaller than I imagined." he said, as he looked down to find papers of sketches on a chair, while picking one up and looking at it, and started vocalizing. . .   

"This is the Paris of my childhood
These were the borders of my life
In this crumbling, dusty attic
Where an artist loved her husband, Easy to remember
Harder to move on
Knowing the Paris of my childhood is gone" he finished, as he picked up a somewhat seems to be small rose ratel, and sat down on the old bed.

Bianca noticed him, looking sorrowful, so she asked him. . .

"What happened to your father?"

"It was the one story Mama could never bring herself to tell." Ryder answered "I knew better than to ask."

Bianca looked around the room, as something caught her eye. . .

"Oh. A doctor's mask." she said, as she picked up the crow like doctors mask

Ryder suddenly went wide eyed, as he stood up and walked towards Bianca, as the two looked at each other in shocked. . .

"The Plague." Bianca said

Ryder began to have flashbacks and panicked voices in his head, of indistinct shouting and a baby crying as he looked back towards the old messed up bed.


"You must leave now!" The doctor said

"Quickly" Ryder's father whispered "before it takes him too."

a baby that was crying was heard, while Ryder's mother who was young at the time, carried her son and quickly left.

*End of Flashback*  

 Ryder couldn't take the flashbacks anymore, tears started forming in his eyes, as he snapped back in reality.

"I'm sorry I ever called your mother a thief." Bianca apologized, as she walked towards him while comforting him.   

Ryder looked back at Bianca, and whispered. . .

"let's go home."

so with that the two headed back.


Honestly while I typing this up, I can already feel how hard the Plague was to survive. Hoped you like it. bye.    

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