More problems back in town

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Back in town, Gloria and Ace were walking towards bar while it was raining pretty hard. . .

"This is some storm, huh?" Ace said "At least we're not tied to a tree in the middle of nowhere surrounded by bloodthirsty wolves. you know it's not to late. We could always turn back. . ."

The two females walked inside the bar as they dried off, and walked down the stairs where the bar was at. . .

"It's just, every time I close my eyes, I picture Marjorie stranded alone. And then when I open them she's-" Ace said

The two females stopped in midtrack, to find Marjorie sitting on one of the tables as, everyone in the room looked the both of them.

"Marjorie!" Ace said with a smile 

Then one of the woman who worked in the bar, walked up towards the two, and asked. . .

"Gloria. . . did you try to kill Marjorie?" she asked in a serious tone, while Marjorie stood up from her seat 

The people in the room, muttered to themselves, wondering if it was true. . . 

"Marjorie!" Gloria said in a fake surprised tone "Thank heavens!" she said, while walking towards the old woman "I've spent the last five days, trying to find you." Gloria lied 

"You tried to kill me." Marjorie said in a upset tone "You left me to the wolves."

"Wolves?" Gloria questioned "It's one thing to rave about your delusions. It's another to accuse me of attempted murder."

"Marjorie. . . do you have any proof of what you're saying?" a woman from the crowed asked her. 

The crowed muttered to themselves again, as Marjorie responded. . .

"Ask Otis. He rescued me." Marjorie answered, while showing Otis to the crowed

"Otis!" Gloria laughed "you'd hang your accusations on the testimony of a filthy hag?" she asked "No offence, Otis." Gloria whispered to Otis 

the room went silence for a moment, as Marjorie looked at Ace. . .

"Mademoiselle Ace. She was there. She saw it all." Marjorie said as she slowly walked towards Ace and stopped in midtrack.

"Me?" Ace questioned

"You're right. Don't take my word for it." Gloria said, as she walked towards her companion "Ace. . .my dearest companion, did I, your oldest friend and most loyal compatriot, try to kill the mother of the only man I've ever loved?" Gloria asked Ace      

This was a really tough choice for Ace, she didn't really know what to say, she felt guilty of not helping Marjorie and wanted to help Marjorie as much as she could, but she felt more worse of not wanting to disappoint Gloria she felt forced by Gloria, so she answered. . .

"Well, it's a complicated question on a number of accounts" Ace said, but felt Gloria grip her shoulders tighter, as she let out a low gasp, she had no choice to respond "But no." 

This shocked Marjorie and so did everyone in the room 

"-No she did not." Ace added 

"You-" Marjorie started, as she swiftly walked towards Gloria to slap her face, but Gloria gripped her arm, as everyone in the room gasped in shocked, while Gloria gripped the old woman's arm tighter. . .

"Marjorie" Gloria started "It pains me to say this, but you've become a danger to yourself and others." as she placed a hand on the elder woman's shoulder "No wonder Ryder ran away. You need help ma'am. A place to heal your troubled mind." Gloria said, as she snapped her fingers "Ladybird." 

Ladybird appeared from the dark shadows of the bar corner, as she gave an evil smirk. . .

"Everything's going to be fine." Gloria whispered to Marjorie "Just fine."


Oh no kids :O. . . .Bye.  

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