With Marjorie, Gloria, and Ace

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In the far part of the woods, Marjorie, Gloria, and Ace rode on a small wagon, as Marjorie showed the way towards the castle. . .

"No! I'm sure this is the way." Marjorie told the two females "Do you hear those wolves? That means we're getting closer very close to the castle." 

"Look, enough is enough. We have to turn back." Gloria said to the old woman 

"Stop!" The old woman said, as Gloria stopped the wagon "That's it! There it is!" Marjorie pointed at the two paths that she ran into a while back "That's the tree. I'm sure of it." while she climbed out of the wagon seat, and walked towards the tree, as Gloria and Ace looked at the elder woman "It was downed by lighting at the time. But now... it's resumed an upright position...through some sort of...magic or other." The old woman explained

"You really wanna marry into this family?" Ace mumbled quietly to Gloria 

"So that means...that the castle is that...No. No, it's...that way." Marjorie said while trying to remember the right path, as she pointed the way "Definitely, that way"

"I am done playing this game of yours." Gloria said to the old woman, while getting off of the wagon and walking towards, Marjorie "Where is Ryder?" Gloria asked in a serious tone

"The beast took him and he-" Marjorie replied but was cut off by, Gloria     

"There are no such things as beasts. Or talking pups. Or magic!" Gloria said in a, annoyed and angry tone "But there are wolves frostbite, and starvation."

"Deep breaths, Gloria." Ace said in a calming tone, as both Marjorie and Gloria looked back her "Deep breaths." she said again, while Gloria took a deep breath and breathed out. . .

"So, why don't we just turn around? And go back to town. I'm sure Ryder is at home cooking up a lovely dinner." Gloria said trying to reason with the elder woman  

"If you think I've made all this up, then why did you offer to help?" Marjorie asked Gloria 

"Because I want to marry your son!" Gloria shouted, finally losing her temper. . .

this shocked the elder woman, as there was a complete moment of silence, as Gloria continued speaking, in the most calming tone possible . . .

"Now, let's go home." Gloria said, as she walked back towards the wagon 

"Ryder is not home. He is with-" Marjorie stated, but was suddenly gripped by Gloria by her coat.

"You say beast one more time. . . I WILL FEED YOU TO THE WOLVES!" Gloria yelled at the old woman

"Gloria! Stop it! Breathe!" Ace said from behind, while she turned Gloria around to face her, and told her to calm down "Think happy thoughts." Ace said in a calming tone, while trying to calm Gloria down "Go back to the war. Blood. Expiations. Countless widows." 

"-Widows." Gloria replied in a more calming tone   

"Yes. Yes. That's it." Ace said, as Gloria was finally calmed down 

Gloria turned back to face the elder woman, and said in a more happy and clamed tone. . .

"Marjorie! Please, forgive me, old bean. That's no way to talk to my future mother-in-law now is it?" Gloria said, while fixing up the old woman's coat   

"Future mother-in-law?" The elder woman said in a serious tone

"Yeah!" Gloria replied 

 "You will never marry my son." The elder woman said

In a sudden silence, this made Gloria very pissed off, Gloria punched the old woman with her fist, which knocked the old woman out cold. . .

"I saw that coming." Ace said, as she just stood there

"If Marjorie won't give me her blessing, then she is in my way." Gloria said, as she tied up the knocked out woman with ropes and placed her underneath a tree "Once the wolves are finished with her, Ryder will have no one to take care of him but me." Gloria said, as she walked back towards the wagon and got on. 

"For the sake of exhausting all of our options, do we maybe wanna consider a slightly less. . .gruesome alternative?" Ace asked Gloria 

"Are you coming?" Gloria said in a annoyed tone

Without saying a word, Ace made her way towards the wagon and hopped onto the wagon seat, as Gloria and Ace rode their way back towards town. Leaving Marjorie knocked out, tied up, and placed underneath a tree, in the cold.


Never knock out an old woman kids. bye.             

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