The next day/Something There

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The next day, Ryder and Bianca were having breakfast together while reading their books at the same time, in the dinning room, Bianca looked up from her book to look at Ryder, while Ryder looked up from his book and looked back at Bianca, Bianca looked down at her breakfast and began slurping down on it, like a wild animal, While Ryder was watching her, Bianca looked up from her food to find Ryder staring at her, as Ryder let out a small giggle. . .

A few hours later the two were walking outside and around the castle garden that was covered in show, while the two walked, Ryder was reading a poem to Bianca. . .

"The air is blue and keen and cold and in a frozen sheath, enrolled. Each branch, each twig, each blade of grass seems clad miraculously with. . ." Ryder read, as Bianca stopped for a moment in midtrack, as Ryder stopped along beside her "Glass" he finished off, as he looked at her wondering what she was looking at. . .

Turns out Bianca was looking at a beautiful dried up Icey lake with beautiful white trees surrounding it. . .

"I feel as if I'm seeing it for the first time" Bianca said, while looking back at Ryder "Is there anymore?" she asked him about the poem 

Ryder let out a small laugh, and responded "Um. . ." he started as he continued the poem "But in that solemn silence is heard the whisper, of every sleeping thing. Look. Look at me. Come wake me up." He read, as Bianca looked at him, as he looked back at her, while finishing the last part "For still here I be."

The two headed back towards the castle, as Ryder stopped by to show Bianca his horse, Spirit, Bianca tried to pet Spirit, but Spirit took a step while letting out a soft neigh, Ryder walked up to his horse, to calm the horse down. after that was down, Ryder took one of the polar bear's paw, and gently placed it on the horses back, while Bianca began to pet the horse, while Ryder walked up the castle entrance stairs, as he started vocalizing. . .

"There's something sweet, and almost kind
But she was mean and she was coarse and unrefined
And now she's dear, and so unsure
I wonder why I didn't see it there before." He sang, as he looked at Bianca, and through a snowball at her, which caught Bianca attention, as he let out a laugh, but he didn't realized that she through a huge snowball at him, in his face, which knocked him off of his feet and landing onto the ground, while Bianca let out a chuckle, as she continued. . .  

"He glanced this way, I thought I saw
And when we touched, he didn't shudder at my paw
No, it can't be, I'll just ignore
But then he's never looked at me that way before" Bianca sang, as the two had dinner together   

"New, and a bit alarming
Who'd have ever thought that this could be?
True, that she's no Princess
But there's something in her that I simply didn't see" Ryder sang, as he watched Bianca from the window, walking with his horse, and talking to Spirit. . . and a few hours later, were in the library  

Meanwhile the pups were, fixing up the ball room . . .

"Well, who'd have thought?" Marshall said

"Well, bless my soul!" Ella said 

"-Well, who'd have known?" Skye said 

"-Well, who indeed?" 

And who'd have guessed they'd come together on their own?" Everest stated 

"It's so peculiar, wait and see" Ella added

"we'll wait and see a few days more
There may be something there that wasn't there before" The pup's said 

"Here's a thought, perhaps there's something there that wasn't there before." Skye stated 

"What mama?" Rex asked his mom

"There may be something there that wasn't there before" Ella said 

"What is it, what's there?" Rex asked again

"I'll tell you when you're older." Ella told Rex, while Rex turned around for a second, and turned back towards his mother

"Okay, I'm older!" Rex said 

"Rex, oh, you are a one." Ella said, while letting out a laugh.


Hoped you liked it. Bye.

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