The battle

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After the mob knocked down the castle doors open, some of the people who knocked the door opened fell due to so much force they used. After the fallen people got up the rest of the mob carefully yet quietly walked in while following Gloria from behind and holding their torches and weapons, too only find the castle entrance in pitch darkness. . .

"Are you not the least bit concerned, that this castle might be haunted?" Ace whispered to  Gloria

"Don't lose your nerve, Ace." Gloria whispered back, while looking around the castle 

"This place seems familiar." Al said, while walking around "Like I've been here before."

Ace walked around the room for a bit, until she stumbled upon Ella and Rex who were hiding behind the castle stair case.   

"Oh, hello there." Ace said to the two pups, with a smile "You must be the talking pup." she said while looking at Rex "And you must be his grandmother." Ace added, while looking over at Ella

"Grandmother?" Ella gasped in anger "Attack!" Ella shouted to the rest of the pups and furniture 

The mob gasped in surprised, while the pups and furniture began to fight and attack the mob. . .

"Oh hello!" Everest laughed, as she and some of the furniture attack a group of people

Gloria and Ace were both aware of this, as the coat hanger tapped Gloria's shoulder from behind, and made fists signaling 'come at me', Gloria grabbed Ace, and pulled her right in front of the coat hanger, while the hanger punched Ace multiple time's. 

After the hanger finished punching Ace, the talking piano was about to attack next, as Gloria moved Ace in front of the talking piano. . .

"Gloria!" Ace screamed, as she got pinned down onto the floor by the piano "Gloria. Help." Ace asked Gloria for help, while the piano played dark music 

"Sorry, old friend." Gloria started "It's hero time." she said while walking up the castle stairs 

"Ooh, ouch!" The piano said, as he heard the conversation

Meanwhile back in town. . .                

Ladybird was walking around, making sure the carriage was guarded, but as she walked up towards the carriage, she noticed the door's were unlocked, she quickly opened the carriage doors to find the carriage empty, she quickly closed the door, too find Marjorie standing next to the door with the lock in hand. . .

"Hello. Oh, uh. . .I believe this is yours." Marjorie said, while handing Ladybird the lock.

Ladybird heard a horse whine, and saw Ryder riding his horse towards the castle, as Ryder gave a sly smile from a distance, and rode off. . .

"He's very headstrong." Marjorie told Ladybird "Do you have children?" Marjorie asked Ladybird

Meanwhile back at the castle, the mob counited fighting the pups and furniture. . .

"No one to protect you now, huh?" Marshall giggled, while throwing dust in Ace's face and sprayed water with his water cannon.           

Gloria headed up the stairs, while trying to find the beast.

Meanwhile back in the battle. . .

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. . ." Rex counted, while throwing mini plates like frisbee's to knock out some of the people in the mob, while at the same time jumping on the people's face's and knocking them out with his wheels. . .

"Good show, Rex, my boy." Skye called out "The infantry's arrived." Skye said, as a table with flying books prepared themselves "Now let's, go and teach them a lesson. Go!" She said, as she activated her wings, and took off into the air as the flying books followed from behind her and attacked the mob "ha ha!. Yes, those are called books, you third rate musketeers" Skye shouted, as she landed on top of the stair cases, while three annoyed female's looked at her angrily "Oh, I'm off." Skye said 

Rocky barked at a man, who tried to hit him, but rocky pounced on the man, and knock him off the stairs, meanwhile the three annoyed and angry three female's ran up the stairs to attack Skye, but as they got their, Zuma appeared with multiple fabric's in his mouth, while laughing. . .

"Come here little girls." Zuma said, as he ran around them as fast he can, wrapping the fabric's around the three woman, while singing to himself "I spin you this way. I put it on." Zuma said, as he finished off tying the three females "Yes pretty, little girls. Yes! Be free!" while the three female's tried  to run away.

Meanwhile, Ryder rode his horse as fast as he could, towards the caste.

Back at the castle, where the battle kept going on, Ella jumped onto a chandelier, while holding a teapot that had really hot tea in it. . .

"How do you like your tea?" Ella shouted from above while pouring the hot tea on the the mob's head 's, while the mob screamed from the burning tea, and slipping onto the floor "Piping hot?" Ella shouted "Or boiling?" as Ella kept pouring the tea, she noticed someone she recognized "Al!" she called out, while Al looked up at her, but suddenly Ella accidently fell from above, as she let out a scream. . .

"Mama!" Rex shouted 

As Ella screamed, thinking she was about to hit the hard floor, Ace caught her in her arms just in time. . .

"Thank you!" Ella thanked her 

Just as someone was about to hit Ella from behind, Ace quickly dodged the attack, while Ella through some hot tea at the person from behind Ace. . .

"Take that!" Ella shouted, as Ace knocked the woman in front of her "Nicely handled!" Ella complemented Ace 

"Well, I use to be on Gloria's side but we are so in a bad place right now." Ace said 

"You're too good for her, anyway." Ella said 

"Yeah." Ace nodded

"Should we get back to it, then?" Ella asked, as her and Ace fought back the mob 

"Such sweet music" the piano said while attacking the mob, but got surrounded "Stand back!"

"Silence that harpsichord!" a man said to the piano 

"What?" the piano said

"I'm coming Maestro!" Zuma called out as he stood on the stair case "This is it! Let's dive in!" Zuma shouted as he grabbed a flying dish plate and surfed down the stairs, while knocking the people around the talking piano.

"Bravissimo!" The piano complemented, and shooting out his piano cords that hit the mob, as the people groaned in pain 

"Watch your toes!" Everest shouted, as she let out a flames of ice around the room, as the tried their best to avoid them. . .

The mob couldn't keep up with the fight any longer, the mob retreated outside of the castle, as they ran out as fast as they could, screaming, all except Otis, who was not noticed by the pups nor the people who ran out . . .

"That's it, Go! Go!" Everest shouted

"And stay out!" Skye added


I really enjoyed typing this one out. Hope you enjoyed, and where near the end yay :D. bye.                 

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