Bianca's Death/Transformation

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Warning: death


Ryder kneeled down next to Bianca side, as he clutched his hand onto her paw, while gently holding her and giving her a small smile. . .

"You came back." Bianca weakly said, while smiling back at him 

"Of course I came back." Ryder said as tears started forming in his eyes "I'll never leave you again."

"I'm afraid it's my turn to leave." Bianca said 

"We're together now." Ryder said as his voice began too sorrow "It's gonna be fine."     

"At least I got to see you." Bianca weakly said as she grunted in pain "One last time." Bianca smiled 

With that finale word Bianca said, the last petal of the rose fell, as Bianca's body went limp 

"No!" Ryder cried, as he tried to wake her up "Please, no. Come back!" 


(Meanwhile with the pups. . .)

"We did it, Marshall!" Everest cheered "Victory is ours." she said while she looking at Marshall, who only smiled "Marshall?" 

Everest looked at Marshall and realized he couldn't talk anymore, but only let out a bark.

"Oh, my darling, Marshall." Everest said sadly, as she licked his cheek. . . 

"Well it was fun while it lasted, Rocky." Zuma said to his beast friend, as he barked his last sentence, while showing a sad smile.

"You too, Zuma." Rocky replied as his words turned into barks

Rubble just sat there sadly not wanting to say a words, as he felt his voice change into sad whimpers. . .         

"Rex!" Ella called out trying to find Rex "Have you seen Rex?" Ella asked as tears formed in her eyes "He ran off. Where is my little boy." Ella finished off as her voice turned to barking sounds, while Skye and Everest watch her sadly cry in whimpers. . . 

"Mama!" Rex called out "Mom!" Rex said his finale words as he ran towards his mother and hugged her tightly, while letting out barks instead of words.

"Everest" Skye started "I can't. . .speak." Skye stuttered her words, as she looked at her friend sadly. . . 

"It's alright, Skye." Everest replied, as she looked back at her.

"I can't. . .Everest. . .my friend. It was an honor to serve. . .with you." Skye said her finale words as she let out a bark and whimpered 

"The honor was mine." Everest replied one finale time before she let out a bark. 

The six pup's gathered around, without making a sound and let out howls of sorrow.


Back in the West wing. . .

As Ryder sobbed over Bianca's dead body, Otis the old peasant man walks onto the balcony and stood next to the glass case where the expired enchanted rose stood. . .

"Come back. Please don't leave me." Ryder sobbed, as he cupped Bianca cheek "I love you." he sobbed as he placed a kiss on Bianca's head and kept sobbing. . . 

With those words, that Ryder said, Otis formed beams of magic with the rose petals, as magic white gold flames started to circle around Bianca's dead body and lifted her body in midair, which caught Ryder's attention, as he watched the magic changed her into the beautiful princess she once was before.

The magic white gold flames changed Bianca's paw into a human hand, her hind legs into female legs, her hair turning in a blond hair color, and her fur was shredded away as it changed into a human face. Once the transformation had ended, the female human was gently placed back onto the ground back turned, as she stood up on her feet, wearing a single white shirt, and ripped shorts, looking in wonder at her unvarnished hands.

She turned her head around too face Ryder who stood their gazing at her, as he slowly walked up towards her and gently cupped her cheek, while looking into her familiar crystal light blue eyes. . . 

"Ryder it's me, Katie!" Katie said, with a smile 

"It is you!" Ryder said, as he smiled back 

As two stroked each other's face's, they leaned closer together as their lips came together. As the two kissed the damaged of the castle begins to reaper itself, while the sun rises over the horizon. . .

While all of this was happening, the pups started to transform back into their normal selves one by one. . .  

Rocky transformed back into a female brown dachshund who was originally named, Dashi. 

Zuma transformed back into a woman who's was named Goodway.

"Oh it good to be back to normal!" Goodway said happily

Skye started to transform back into her human self, as she stood up on her two legs, and watched Everest transform into her human self. . .

"Everest!" Skye said, with an excited smile  

"Skye, we beat the clock!" Everest said in a happy tone, as she finished transforming back into her human self.

Marshall was then transformed back into his human self, which caught Everest's attention, as she and ran up towards him too help him stand up. . .

"Marshall!" Everest happily said "Oh love." she said as the two looked into each other's eyes and kissed passionately.

Then Ella and Rex were transformed back to their human selves, as Ella transformed back into a woman who's real name was Yumi, and Rex transformed back into a little boy, which his real name was Alex.

"Alex! Look at you!" Yumi said in a happy surprised tone, while hugging her son "You're a little boy again! What did I tell, darling?" she said happily 

Finally Rubble was transformed back, into a tall man, who's real name was Wasabi no-ginger. . .

"Yes!, I'm back to normal!" Wasabi said  

While this was happening, the town's people came walking back towards the castle as they all talked excitedly, and greeted their long lost family members and friends. . .

"Darling?" Al said, as he walked up towards Yumi 

"Oh! Al!" Yumi said in happy tone, while hugging him 

"I remember!" Al stated happily, as he hugged his long lost wife and son 

"Everest, look!" Marshall said too his girlfriend, as they both looked over at the castle doors

Suddenly, Ryder and Katie walked out of the castle doors and into the crowd. . .

"Oh, my princess!" Everest greeted, while giving her a small curtsied, and Marshall giving a small bow, while the crowd also gave bows and curtsies. . .

"Hello, old friend." Katie greeted back, as she and Everest gave each other a hug. 

"Oh, it's so good to see you." Everest replied back 

"You saved our lives, Monsieur." Marshall said to Ryder

"Ryder it's me!" Alex called out as he ran up to him and gave him a hug, as Ryder hugged back.


A few hours later, the people where dancing inside the castle in the ball room with the newly wedded couple. . . 


Ay, this had been a wild story. Bye.

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