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It was a dreary August night in Godric's Hollow. The rain was ricocheting violently off the Potter household.

The owners of the house were currently in the kitchen, having a late night cup of tea when a loud sound came from the living room.

Both adults rushed to the scene, leaving their steaming cups of tea to get cold. In front of them was a child, a boy not much older than their own.

He was dressed in what seemed to be silk pyjamas, with some slippers to match. His grey eyes were darting everywhere. They reminded Fleamont of a frightened puppy.

The boy hesitated before speaking. "Hello... Please excuse me intruding at this hour but, James told me I could come if things got really bad. Is he here?" He stuttered out, looking up at the adults with teary eyes.

"Yes, dear, he is. But, if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" Euphemia asked, her voice sounding like a warm blanket to Sirius, who was used to his own mother's shrill voice.

"My name is Sirius Black, ma'am. I'm James' friend from school." Sirius responded meekly, fearing the worst. His family was, after all, not very liked by people like the Potters.

"I'm Euphemia, and this is my husband Fleamont." Euphemia said, her smile tender. She recognized the boy in front of her to be the eldest child of Orion and Walburga Black, two people she didn't particularly like.

At that moment two sets of feet were heard at the top of the stairs. The three of them looked in that direction, to see a disheveled James putting his glasses on, accompanied by a drowsy Lucy clutching a plush bear.

"Mum, who's there?" James said, his sleepiness creeping into his voice. He was coming towards the three people in the room, with Lucy trailing behind him like a duckling.

Euphemia looked towards the boy and smiled. "Someone you know." She stepped back with her husband and looked at him.

He was staring at Sirius. Fleamont was under the impression that all of the Black children were in Slytherin. And he knew for a fact that James didn't associate himself with them. But that was not the case, apparently.

As soon as James' eyes landed on Sirius, his whole face illuminated itself, as if he was being given the greatest gift possible.

"Sirius! How are you? Is everything alright?" He bombarded the shaking boy with questions. Sirius simply nodded along.

Lucy, who was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes finally took a good look at the person James was hugging and a smile stretched on her face.

"How are you, Sirius?" She was much calmer than her best friend, something Sirius was grateful for, even if he wouldn't say it to their faces, at least not yet.

"I could be better." Sirius admitted, a bashful look on his face. How he wished for his hair to be longer so that he could hide behind it.

Lucy pat his back comfortingly. "I'm glad you took James's offer, Sirius. I was about to go to your house myself. We were both very worried about you." She said, giving him a hug.

"I'm sorry for worrying you." Sirius mumbled, to which Lucy squeezed him lightly in a way to tell him she didn't mind.

Meanwhile James was explaining to his parents the current situation.

"I see. And why didn't you tell us?" Fleamont asked. He wasn't mad, just confused.

"I... didn't think that you would agree to it." James admitted, casting his eyes downwards. Fleamont's eyes softened.

"Of course we would have agreed to it. Next time you want to help out one of your friends, tell us in advance." Fleamont said, messing his son's hair more.

So, the two adults forced James and Lucy to go back upstairs to sleep, while Euphemia helped transform the couch into a makeshift bed for Sirius to sleep in that night. She assumed he would be staying for more than one night.

And so they went to sleep with no more interruptions. All while Sirius was terrified of his parents appearing in the house to take him away.

But his fears were soon put to rest.

In the morning, Euphemia woke up to Fleamont lightly shaking her awake.

"Phemia, come and see this." He whispered. They both crept downstairs where they saw a big lump on the couch. After coming closer, a smile appeared on her lips.

In the couch was Sirius. On top of him were James and Lucy, as if shielding him from something.

Fleamont then came closer with a camera and took a photo. The sound of the camera woke the three children in the couch who looked towards the adults and smiled sheepishly.

"Good morning everyone! Who wants breakfast?" Euphemia asked. Her heart was joyful. Even if two of the children in the couch weren't hers, they still felt like they were.

That morning henceforth, the Potter household was filled with laughter and loud cheers. Something Euphemia and Fleamont treasured for the rest of their lives.


As Sirius stood in front of Dashwood grave on the 30th of November 1995, all he wished to do was cry.

It had been over 12 years since he had come by, to see Lucy.

The headstone was weathered, bright green fresh moss decorating its sides.

The names were still visible, informing bystanders of the people it contained.

He stared at them, not knowing what to say.

"I miss you, Lucy. And thank you. Even after all these years I still feel how loved you made me feel on that night." He said, droplets falling on top of the stone.


And that's it.

Lily is officially over. Oh my god I'm crying.

When I first posted this I wasn't expecting to even continue it.

I started writing this story as an outlet to my own heartbreak so I thought I'd associate it with that.

The Fred book should have it's 1st chapter out later.

I had the incredible opportunity and honor to have had my story read and appreciated by you guys.

Thank you for this awesome journey.

Thank you again and cheers to this.

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