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Saturday, the 3rd of December. The day of the game. I had to wear James's sweater today.

As I pulled the sweater over my shoulder, I noted that it smelt faintly of broom polish and treacle tart, with a faint hint of firewhiskey. I finished getting ready and walked to the common room entrance, where Robert was waiting.

"Good morning!" I beamed up at him and he cocked an eyebrow.

"What got you in such a good mood? Let me guess, was it Jamesie boy's sweater? How does it feel? And smell?" Robert fired at me and I sighed contentedly.

"Yes it was. It feels very comfortable and smells like broom polish and treacle tart with a faint hint of firewhiskey." I told him and he gagged.

"Oh my god. You really answered that? Ew." He said and I simply laughed at him.

"We both know that if it were you that was wearing Regulus's sweater you'd be acting the same." I poked at him.

"Wrong darling. In that relationship I would be the one giving him my sweaters, not the other way around." He said with a chuckle.

"Shut it, Robert. We both know you are a bottom, not a top." I told him.

"But my dear, I have been thinking of being a switch lately. I just dont feel comfortable as a bottom or a top." He said sincerely and I side hugged him.

"Robbie, you could actually be a woman for all I care. I would still love you the same." I told him and kissed his cheek before racing to the Great Hall, laughing while he chased after me.

As soon as the giant double doors opened, I saw a familiar mop of black hair stare at me through his lenses. He was looking right at me, with those hazel eyes that made me swoon multiple times.

"LUCY!! MY DARLING GIRL THERE YOU ARE!" Robert yelled, giving me an oppurtunity to look away. Robert's face was an incardine colour, and he was laughing as if he had seen the most hilarious sight in his short 15 year old life.

"I swear that one day you won't even be capable of just side glancing at the poor boy. Just look at him over there, making the face of a wounded puppy." Robert said, gazing at the hazel eyed boy sitting in the crimson and golden table.

I headed towards my own black and yellow table, stopping by Annie to say good morning.

As i sat down, I could see James getting up and stalking towards my seat. I was getting more nervous the more he approached. I didn't want to blush while talking to him.

"Good morning Lucy! Ready to cheer me on?" James asked. It was plain to see that he was doing this out of jealousy.

As much as I wanted to tell him to knock it off, that I have never once been jealous of Sirius, I couldn't. I was too entranced with the way his messy hair fell on his forehead and how much I wanted to run my hands through it forever.

"Yeah, I am. Are you ready to win?" I answered, smiling at hum. This prompted him to start to drone on and on about how he would celebrate Gryffindor's new win and how he would dedicate every one of his friends a goal but at least 2 for Lily, because she was the mistress of his heart. I felt my own heart break a little.

"Then you better eat well. Wouldn't want you to fall off your broom, would you?" I told him and he immeadiately stopped his ranting.

"You're right! I should do that. I just hope that everyone does the same." He said while scratching his chin, as if to stroke an imaginary beard. He then went back to his place and Robert took this as his cue to sit down next to me and interrogate me.

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