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The 14th of February was, in many ways, the bane of my existence.

Not only was Rob distracted with his new boy toy, James was somehow worse than normal with his pursuit of Lily. Besides that, Remus' furry little problem was around the corner, which left the boy in a mess, to say the least.

It didn't help that today was a Saturday neither, with everyone going out with their dates. I'd be third wheeling if I went with Rob somewhere so I decided to leave him with his little lover boy.

When I sat down next to Sirius that morning, I was expecting to see James jumping on his seat like a puppy, waiting for Lily to appear.

But nope, I saw Peter stuffing his face, Remus half asleep on his bowl of oatmeal and Sirius flirting with some guy across the hall. James was nowhere to be found.

"Good morning, single!" Sirius said, winking at me.

"Sod off." I retorted, glaring at him. I looked at Remus, and back at Sirius.
"Is it because of a hangover, his time of the month, or did he stay up late reading so.e cheesy romance novel?" I asked.

Sirius turned to Remus. "I think he did rounds last night." He said.

Peter then spoke up. "Apparently, he's with Margaret Williams, who's madly in love with him." He said.

"Oi, Remus, mate, wake up. You're sleeping on your oatmeal." Sirius said while giving him soft nudges.

Remus then shot up, looking around like a deer in headlights. The oatmeal was sliding down his face with his hair so messy he could pass as a Potter.

"Oh... Good morning. No one gave me a love potion, did they?" He asked, looking at his food sideways.

"Umm... No? Remus, what the hell happened with Margaret Williams?" I asked him, furrying my eyebrows.

Remus sighed. "She tried to feed me chocolates with a love potion in them. Even after I told her I'm not interested." He said with a deadpan look.

"Poor Remy Wemy." I said, leaning over the table to pat his head. "By the way, where's James? Shouldn't he be here prowling for Lily already?" I asked.

"He's back at the dorms. Said he wants to surprise Lily at the bottom of the stairs this year." Sirius said.

"I've been telling him it's absolutely hopeless for around two weeks now. Idiot got the idea at Lily's birthday party." Remus said.

"Speaking of the devil, here he is." Peter mumbled.

I looked towards the entrance and saw Lily, red as her hair, with James in tow, pleading with her.

"Please! Just one date! That's all I ask for!" He said, going down on his knees.

"For the love of God, no! I'm not going out with you! Not now, not ever! Not even if you were the last man on this Earth!" Lily said, clenching her hands.

By now, the whole student body of Hogwarts was witnessing the event, which had disturbed their breakfast that morning.

"Besides, I already have a date, so why, pray tell, would I accept to go out with you?" She said. Oh no. Now James was going to drag us to Hogsmeade just to hex the poor soul.

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