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Lily Evans was beauty, grace and intelligence. She was brave and feisty. She spoke up and knew how to say no. She had long hair the colour of sunstones and smaragdine eyes. She had fair skin and pink lips.

Lily Evans was everything I wasn't.
Perhaps that's why he preferred her over me.

I wasn't particularly beautiful and I definitely wasn't graceful. I wasn't intelligent. I wasn't brave or feisty. I didn't speak up or knew how to say no. My hair was the colour of dark chocolate and my eyes were two dark brown pools of worrying. My cheeks were full of freckles and my lips were uneven. One was plumper than the other.

One of the few things we had in common was a certain hazel eyed boy. His name was James Potter.

Lily, who was a girl so lovely no one could say they truly hated her, absolutely despised James Potter, due to his persistence in asking her out.
Me, on the other hand, absolutely loved him. Why, I don't know.

In the end, James still preferred Lily.

I wish I were Lily.

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