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It had been nearly three weeks since the kiss. The pain hadn't subsided much, but it was bearable.

As of now, I was at home, surrounded by my family many found peculiar.

Both my parents were orphans, having grown in the British system. So they decided to help other orphans, such as myself.

My birth parents unfortunately passed away when I was 7, in a drowning accident.

Less than a week later Allistor and Louise Dashwood came in the orphanage, my soon to be elder sister Marie and younger brother Nicolas in tow, telling me about how they were my new parents.

I've been grateful for them my entire life. If it weren't for them, Merlin knows where I'd be.

Today was Easter Sunday and I was currently hiding in my room. My parents were completely unaware of my feelings for James and of the events that took place during his birthday party, so the Potters were obviously invited.

Thankfully so was Rob and his family. And since Sirius was pretty much unofficially living with the Potters, he was bound to come. So at least I had someone here.

My mum knocked on the door, telling me Rob was here. I finished brushing my hair for the umpteenth time and carefully opened the door, ready to shut it close.

The first person I landed my eyes on was Rob, his brown hair neatly styled, for once.

"Hi Rob!" I greeted him, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug.

He smiled and hugged me back, greeting me. We stayed like that for a while, up until he dragged me to a secluded spot in my living room.

"How have things been? With James? Have you talked, owled, anything?" Rob asked, his eyes searching mine.

I shook my head no and looked down. I felt slightly ashamed about ignoring James, even if he had hurt me deeply. Next to me, Rob sighed in desperation.

"By this rate, you'll be dead lying in a coffin before you ever tell him you love him!" He joked, hitting my arm slightly.

"Also, you look good Luciana. For a dead girl, that is." Rob complimented me, throwing an arm around me.

"Yeah? What about you and Regulus? I know for a damn fact that you and Marc was not because you actually loved him." I bit back. Maybe I was being a bit too mean.

Robert sighed. "I have so many feelings for him." He murmured, his eyes glued to the floor.

"I know." I hummed.

"But I act like I don't fucking care about him." He lamented.

"Sometimes it's for the best, my friend." I pat his back and lead him outside.

We walked to the garden, where my younger brothers were playing around with Rob's sister, Tina.

Not long after we got into the garden, Rob went near his sister to help her with her flower crowns.

A few minutes passed before I saw Sirius's black hair emerging from the door, grey eyes flitting through every face present in the garden until they fell on me. A toothy smile stretched across his lips, striking a slight fear in me. It was never a good thing to see Sirius Black smile with so much teeth.

"When were you going to tell me, Lucy, that Remus John Lupin was bisexual?" His tone meant to fool eavesdroppers was not fooling me. I knew he was a bit mad about it, but it wasn't my secret to tell.

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