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I was dreading this specific day. Why? Today was the 30th of January. Lily's birthday. I was not ready.

It hadn't been a minute since I had entered theGreat Hall before James's grandiose style of working came to play. After dodging Anne's questions about today I looked towards the Gryffindor table, expecting to see a plotting James.

He was next to Lily already, a massive pink lily in hand, professing his love for her once more.

I sighed ate the food on my plate. It's always been like this. But, I don't think I should mind it that much. After all, I had a Potions test today. And potions weren't my forte.

As I walked to the dungeons, I wringed my hands together. I was becoming more and more nervous. If my assumptions were correct, Slughorn would pull some weird shit at last minute.

It didn't help that Robert seemingly disappeared from this Earth. I haven't seen him since yesterday afternoon. I would hope I'd see him since we're in the same house and all, but apparently not.

I arrived at the classroom and sat down, waiting for the rest of the class. Suddenly, low and behold, Robert Richard Scamander appeared, hair completely disheveled and robes haphazardly put on.

He sat down next to me and tried to catch his breath.

"Lucy, you aren't going to believe this." He said, cheeks a glowing red.

"What happened to you?" I asked while taking his tie in my hands, fixing it.

"I. Got. Laid." He said. A pregnant pause ensued.

"You what? With who?" I spat out, eyes wide like saucers. I couldn't believe this. Robert got laid. Holy shit.

"Luke Zabini." He said, looking around to make sure nobody heard.

"Wasn't he straight? I thought he called Dorca Meadows that f word." I said, confused. At the time it had been a big deal, to find out about Dorca and Marlene.

"What, fag? Yeah. I'm as surprised as you are. How was it at breakfast?" He asked, looking down at me.

"A nightmare. He even had some poor girls singing in a choir." I said, my voice wavering for a second.

Robert was about to speak when Slughorn walked in. I always thought he was a bit off.

Knowing he likes to collect students like coins, I was more than happy for my average grades. Robert on the other hand was in the Slug Club and always dragged me to the parties Slughorn would throw.

After the test, I had a huge breather while Robert patted my back. Our next class was Transfiguration, which we had with the Gryffindors. I decided to toughen up and walk in there with my head held high.

As soon as my body passed the threshold, I could see students scattered here and there.

Sirius and Remus hunched over a piece of paper and James occasionally giving some comments while Peter appeared to be munching on chocolates.

"Lucy Poo! How are you?" James said. Sirius's head shot up like a dog's.

"I'm perfectly fine, Jamesie. Are you sure you should be eating that, Peter? Merlin knows what those girls put in that." I said. Peter shrugged and went back to eating.

Soon the rest of the class joined us and class started.

The day went on like that. We would finish a class and walk to the other, with the eventual breaks for resting and eating.

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