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Harry closed the journal, staring at its yellowed pages. What he finished reading belonged to the woman that he felt like he knew. A woman that, were she alive, would be his godmother.

But, even with the sadness of not having the pleasure to have known her, he couldn't deny that this woman, Lucy Dashwood, was probably someone he would like very much.

He walked upstairs to his room, where he sat down and took the album that Hagrid had offered him. After skimming through the pages he recognised her. So that was Lucy Dashwood.

"Hey Sirius?" Harry called, walking into the kitchen.

"Yes?" Sirius looked up from the Daily Prophet. Remus also turned to Harry, taking his eyes off the letter he was reading.

"You know something funny? I think I met Lucy when I was younger." He slowly said, eyes flickering from one man to the other.

"Please elaborate Harry." Remus told him while waving his hand for him to sit.

"When I was younger I had this imaginary friend who looked exactly like her. I know it sounds a bit crazy but I swear it's true!" Harry stated, ready to defend himself if needed.

"That's interesting, actually. Maybe she was just a ghost?" Remus pondered.

"I don't really know. I was wondering if you would tell me more about her, please? She never told me much." Harry asked them, eyes hopeful.

"Of course, Harry." Sirius spoke, a nostalgic look on his eyes.

"Where should we start?" Remus inquired, memories starting to flood.

"Why, in the beginning of course! It was the 1st of September 1971 and it was a weirdly hot day." Sirius started his story.

And so they spent their afternoon, reminiscing their first and last moments with her.

Lucy Dashwood.

To some, just a name among the other victims of the dark lord. To others she was a cherished friend. And to one specific person, she was a majority of his world.


24th of December 1997. Harry and Hermione had just made it to Godric's Hollow.

They followed the main street after seeing Harry's old house, eventually reaching the church that contained the devotees singing to celebrate their lord.

They entered the graveyard, searching its graves for a particular one.

"James Fleamont Potter
17th March 1960
31st October 1981

Lily Marie Potter
30th January 1960
31st October 1981"

Hermione conjured white flowers and placed them in front of the slightly aged stone.

Harry stared at a grave right next to it. He knew that name.

"Allistor Jackson Dashwood
9th August 1939
22nd July 1976

Louise Marissa Dashwood
4th January 1940
22nd July 1976

Nicholas Pierre Dashwood
27th May 1964
22nd July 1976

Lucy Anneliese Dashwood
30th November 1959
22nd July 1976"

Hermione noticed Harry's gaze.

"Do you know them, Harry?" She asked but he didn't answer her.

He crouched looking at Lucy's name and conjured a single blue rose.

"Lovely to see you again, Rosie."


And that's it!
The main story Lily is over!

Thank you all for the awesome comments and votes, all of the attention you gave this book.

I hope you had as much fun reading this as I had writing it.

If you guys have any questions, comment them and I'll try to answer them. Some things will be answered in the bonuses, so please don't get mad if I don't give you an answer.

This journey with you guys was incredible. I still remember my first comment.

I had been having such a shit day and that comment appeared. I was extremely happy. And I still am.

Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting. You guys make my day.

I'll see you next week for the first bonus!

P. S. I'm sorry for posting a bit later than usual 😅

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