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First off, a very happy 1st birthday to Lily!

To celebrate, I decided to give you guys some explanations about the book.

It's not a story bonus, it's more of a "here understand the book a bit better."

First, lore explanations.

As you know, Lucy appeared to Harry as a ghost. I told you it was from a tik tok prompt and that's pretty much it. The prompt was "what if when we die we become a child's imaginary friend" and I decided to explore that.

In the last bonus, we get an insight on the beginning of Sirius and Lucy's friendship. Lucy never really pushed him to do much he didn't want but would still protect him if needed.

Next, the character's overall behavior.

Lucy first. For the whole story she was completely lovesick and I tried my best to portray that. Sometimes we see her breaking down or being angry and that's all part of the love experience.

James's behavior was a bit more complicated to write. While he's technically a complete blank slate, the only things we know being his quidditch position, his hair, eyes, glasses, jealousy of snape and patronus. So I tried to write him in a way that he was as in love with Lily as is said, all while also having an interest in others. I feel like in a lot of stories with this love triangle, he's a bit too Lily obsessed.

My biggest fear while writing Sirius was writing him too much like the gay stereotypes we know. That man was not a twink.

Remus, while not as much mentioned in the story (the most he talked and interacted with Lucy was in the 1st and in the Valentine's chapters), still also had more lore to him. I also hc that he was not that great of a liar, which is why Lucy, Sirius, James and Rob all knew some sort of secret he was in on.

Peter was pretty much inexistent in the whole story. Not deliberately. I just forgot he was there most of the time. Everytime I was rereading the chapters with the 4 marauders I had to write him in. 💀

Rob was a late minute insert. During the early writing, Anne was going to be Lucy's other best friend, but I felt that it would be better to add a male best friend. Not only for the sake of being Lucy's friend, but originally, he was to marry one of Lucy's sisters (I had planned to give Lucy 3 sisters). But I quickly scrapped it and just stuck with the friend idea.

Lily was portrayed exactly as I wanted to. We were seeing the story through Lucy's eyes, so everything Lily did seemed perfect to her. Lucy saw her as an angel who could barely do wrong.

Regulus was only interacted with in the first chapter and it was heavily implied that he and Rob started dating. He was described by Lucy as someone she pitied, someone she cherished. I didn't delve too much on his personality but he is a bit like Sirius in his own way. He definitely rebelled much quieter though. And him and Rob did date, until Regulus's death. A year later Rob met his future wife and with her had Rolf Scamander, who later married Luna Lovegood.

Some fun facts about the book.

1. I got this idea while crying to Heather after my crush announced his relationship.

2. Lucy was going to be named Rosamond and was going to be a pure blood witch from the Crouch family.

3. Lucy has never been in a relationship before, so she also never kissed someone. That kiss she and James shared at her birthday party was her first and her last.

And 4. I was going to give up on this story back in May but I felt inspired after rereading Jane Eyre.

Now, in the cover.
Here, have an enlarged version so you don't have to constantly open the chapter selector:

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