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It was any other Saturday in Hogwarts. I was sitting with my friend, Robert Scamander, in the library. While he was going to study, I was going to tutor a 4th year on Ancient Runes.

"Who are you tutoring again?" Robert asked, while he was fiddling with his black and yellow tie.

"Regulus Black." I answered, gazing towards the library entrance for any signs of the 4th year.

"Isn't he Black's younger brother? The one who looks so proper it makes one's eyes hurt?" Robert asked again, before I kicked him when I saw the fourth year getting into the library nervously.

"Yes he is. I've been his somewhat friend since his first year. Jesus, Robert, how thick can you be?" I asked. Regulus looked around and spotted us.

He approached us and I got up, smiling warmly.

"Hello, Regulus. Is everything okay? You seem nervous." I noted, taking in his slightly disheveled state. He shook his head.

"No. It's just... I'm afraid of my parents finding out about these tutoring sessions." He mumbled. I immediately took his hand.

"Hey, listen, it's okay. I understand. If you need to, you can come to me. Sometimes, our parents aren't the best people and it hurts knowing that. You just have to find someone to call family. You'll get there. I believe in you." I told him.

His eyes seemed to water for a second before he blinked the tears away.

"Okay. Can we start now?" He asked me. I nodded and took out a rune chart.

Some time later, I heard familiar footsteps.

"What do you want, James?" I questioned without looking up. I heard him groan.

"How come you always know it's me and I never know it's you?" He whined. I chuckled at that.

"We've been friends for nearly 8 years and you still can't recognize my footsteps? Wow, Jamesie, I'm feeling real loved over here." I told him, smirking.
He looked up at me with those beautiful hazel eyes that I've come to adore and smiled.

"Anyways, I was looking for Remus. Have you seen him?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow.

"Why would I know where Remus is? We don't talk that much." I told him.

"Well.... I thought that since you were in the library..." He trailed off, while I sighed.

"Just because I'm in the library doesn't mean that I know where people are. I'm not a bloody sonar." I said, looking at him.

He gave me a crooked smile.
"It was worth a try, Lucy Poo. And what's a sonar?" He said and the question was unanswered because his eyes started following a figure behind me.

I looked back and to my dismay, there stood Lily Evans, James' lifelong crush. His eyes followed her every move and soon landed on the boy walking beside her. Severus Snape and Lily Evans were a duo that a lot of people found odd. He had greasy black hair and a large nose while she had long feathery red hair and a smile that was to die for.

It was no secret to me that James felt jealous of the attention Lily gave Snape. That's why he tormented the poor boy since first year.

"Lilypad! Would you do me the favour of going out with me?" James asked loudly, prompting Madame Pince's angry glare on us and a warning to shut up.

"No, Potter. And lower your voice, unless you want a detention with Filch." She said, glaring at him.

I saw James' shoulders lower for a split second, before they went up again, following her out of the library, to try and get her attention, causing me to let out a lovesick sigh.

"Merlin, you are so whipped, Lucy." Robert said. I forgot he and Regulus were there.

"I am, aren't I?" I said rhetorically. Suddenly Remus appeared behind the bookshelf we were next to.

"Is he gone?" He asked and I nodded.

"Thank you so much Lucy. He's been pestering me to tell him the thing." He told me.

"Don't worry. My mouth is a tomb." I said, while giving a pat in his shoulder. He smiled at me and left.

"Anyways. Regulus, why haven't you finished those exercises?" I asked the 4th year. He gave me a boyish grin.

"Watching your dead love life is more interesting." He said.

"You little twat!" I said a bit too loudly. Thankfully Madame Pince had gone somewhere else. I don't fancy getting expelled of the library in November.

We carried on with the exercises and I got some studying done as well, before dinner time came along.

"Say, Regulus, do you go to Hogsmeade?" I asked the boy. He nodded at me.

"Yes. Why?" He inquired.

"On Hogsmeade weekends tutoring will be held on Fridays. So that we both can enjoy the day without any worries." I told him.

"Okay. I'll be sure to remember that." He said, nodding along.

"Okay. See you whenever!" I bid him goodbye and walked to Hufflepuff table.

"Anna! You won't believe this!" Robert said when we reached the table.

He started talking to Anna Locke, his cousin, while I turned to Frank Longbottom, a 7th year that was looking forlornly at Alice Fortescue, a 5th year Gryffindor.

It was widely known among Hufflepuff House that Frank had the hots for Alice but Alice was currently dating Gilderoy Lockhart. How did she manage to stand the idiot, I haven't the slightest. Lockhart was a pompous prick who thought that being in Ravenclaw meant something important.

"We both are bad at love, aren't we, Frank?" I asked him and he slipped hummed out a yes.

"Perhaps one of us will be able to have the love we desire." He said, switching his gaze to me and smiling sadly at me.

"Yup. We're the Singles of Hogwarts. I don't think I've even stepped foot in Madam Puddifoot's. Have you?" I said, looking up at him from my food.

"Nope. But to be honest, that place is kind of hideous." He told me. I nodded at that.

"Yeah. Sirius once took a napkin from the damned place after a date with a Gryffindor and showed us. The thing was pink and red and smelt exactly how one would imagine pink and red to smell like. Absolutely atrocious." I said, remembering the time Sirius had gone on a date with a Gryffindor 7th year last year.



Dont be a silent reader!

Do comment and tell me if you like Lucy and Robert so far.

Do you think my take on James, Remus and Frank is good enough?

What about the current relationship between Frank and Alice?
And between James and Lucy?

Thank you for reading! :)

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