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Ah, Hogsmeade. The only all-wizarding village in Britain. A lovely place to visit and to shop at. A great place to have dates and simply mess around with your best friends. And that's exactly what we were doing that day.

It was the 26th of November. Snow had already fallen to the ground. Robert and I were walking through Hogsmeade. I was looking forward to get warmed up at The Three Broomsticks with some warm butterbeer and almond pie. When I walked in, Robert's whining about how Marilian Rosier said no to his invitation was completely unheard. There was sat James, a drink in hand, his glasses tilted while he was laughing. I always liked James' laugh. But then again, I'm completely in love with him, so I'm biased.

"I can't believe you. Here I am, talking about my horrendous dating life and there you are, staring at Glasses with heart eyes." Robert said, while we were reaching our preferred table.
"Oh please. We both know that you asking someone out, specially a Slytherin, would get you nowhere. Most girls don't like having to take care of animals like mooncalves." I told him sincerely. His shoulders sagged.
"I know. I just hope that if I ever have children, that they marry someone that loves magical animals as much as regular ones." He said.
"See? That's the spirit!" I said, smiling.

As we waited for our butterbeers and my almond pie, I looked around the place. As it appeared, all of the marauders were looking at a certain redhead. Lily. She came in with a Ravenclaw and headed to a table near the window. I could hear Remus telling James that it was a lost cause, she already had a date and to not bother her. James being James, decided that that was precisely the best course of action. It, of course, didn't go well.

As I tried to ignore what was happening in front of me, our drinks and my pie came. "Thanks, Madam." I thanked her.
I was eating when Sirius noticed Robert and I.

"Lucy darling! And Robbie too! Such a lucky day!" He said while clasping his hands together and pulling them close to his cheek, leaning to the right.
"So, Lucy. How's the disaster that is otherwise called Robert's love life?" He asked, looking Robert up and down.
"Oh, you know, same old. He tried asking Marilian Rosier out! Of all the female and male population at Hogwarts, he chose the one who's no is guaranteed." I said, giggling.

"Shut it. It's not like I'm the one in love with my best friend and get depressed every time he's with his reluctant crush." Robert shot back, giving me a fake stink eye. I glared at him and decided to eat quickly. At this, Sirius shifted his gaze to me.

"Still trying to forget your feelings? You know, I don't think you should." He told me. I looked down. I shouldn't listen to Sirius. I mean, why would James look at me when he has Lily to woo? I'm nothing special compared to her.

"Now, don't go around looking so sad. I think that Jameson should fall in love with you, not Lily. I mean, yeah, Lily is an angel and all, but she doesn't give him the time of day and is always turning him down. You, on the contrary, love him from the bottom of your heart and he if he can't see it, then he better get himself some new glasses, 'cause those are most definitely broken." He said, making me feel better nearly instantly.

"Thanks, Sirius. You truly are the best gay friend a person can ask for." I told him.

"Course I am. Now, I'm going back to my table and I better not see that frown again. And don't try to make me think it's because a flobberworm died, because i know that frown like the back of my hand. Toodles!" Sirius finished, waving his hand and marching back to his table.

"Come on, the faster we eat, the faster we can go to HoneyDukes and Zonko's." I sais, trying to persuade Robert to leave. This immediately made him hurry up.

"Come on slow poke! If we get there now, we can manage to get their limited edition dungeons! Word is, they're even more stinky than the maxi-stink ones!" He said, between giant gulps of butterbeer. We finished eating and zoomed past the marauders' table, Sirius winking at me. I gave him a toothy smile and followed Robert out the door.

After our short shopping spree, we were back at Hogwarts. I had put everything on my bed and ran back downstairs to meet Robert in the common room. We had this kind of tradition to go to the kitchens after each Hogsmeade visit we didn't have a date. If the occasion did happen, the one without a date (usually me) would get food from the kitchens and we would go to the room of requirement and date talk would ensue.

"You know, I always thought that James is a grade a idiot but hearing Sirius say it makes it seem as if it's a truth like 2+2=4." Robert said, while taking a giant bite of his pumpkin pastry.
"Don't be that mean. And Sirius can say whatever the hell he wants to about James. They're practically brothers. If James wasn't so in love with her, he'd probably be with Sirius." I told him as we were opening two pints of ice cream.
"Wow. How jealous can you be? You cant even say her name." Robert threw shade at me.
"Shut it, you whore. It's not like you aren't completely in love with Regulus Black but try to fill that void with other people, mainly girls to try and make you forget about your attraction to the male gender." I retorted.
"Damn, girl. Did ya really have to jab a finger on my wound? And how the hell do you know about my feelings about Regulus?" He asked me.
"Oh. You really don't know? You sleep talk, Robb. Why do you think the Prefect put a muffling spell on your bed back in first year? Certainly not to keep your night time activities to yourself." I said, kind of shocked.
"Oh. I never knew I talked in my sleep. Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, looking at me from behind his pint of ice cream.
"I just assumed you knew and didn't question you. I thought that you were kind of embarrassed about it since you didn't ask me about it and so I never mentioned so not to make you uncomfortable." I told him honestly. He nodded along and then looked at the ground, before looking up at me in horror.
"Lucy, sweetie, do you know how many times I dreamt of meeting the Weird Sisters' vocalist and actually getting to go out with him?" He asked me, eyes wide open with horror and a massive blush appearing behind his freckles.

I giggled and soon it escalated to a full blown laugh. The idea of my shameless best friend being embarrassed about something he did that I'd probably do as well if the circumstances were different, is absolutely hilarious.

"Robert, listen. I couldn't give two shits about who you fantasise about. Just don't give me too many details." I said, while I was clutching my belly.

"Great! So, I once dreamt of doing the do with Gatsby-"

"What the fuck, Richard?"

"Don't use my middle name, Anneliese."

"Oh, fuck off."


Ayo! How are you?

How was your day? Was it nice, or could it have been better?

As you probably noticed in this chapter, there's some cussing. I decided to add it because to have a character contrast heavily with Lily and be human at the same time is kind of hard without them cussing at least once a day. Because let's be real, would Lily really ever say a bad word? Most she'd say would be freaking.

Also, how do you like gay Sirius? Am I making too weird or too "y tho" ?
Do tell me!

What about Lucy? Is she a good main character?
And what about her relationship with Robert and Robert himself? How do you find him?

Thanks for reading!

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