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Harry James Potter was a peculiar boy. Not only did his hair grow at seemingly impossible rates, but he also stared at random points in places, as if he was staring at the most interesting event in the world. Today was no exception.

Today was Harry's 8th birthday, a day only celebrated by him. It wasn't the 1st time someone hadn't wished the child a happy birthday, he was used to it by now.

Suddenly, a silver figure appeared sitting at the end of Harry's makeshift bed in the closet, scaring the boy. But he didn't dare make any noise. Lord knows what would happen if he did.

"Hello Harry. I've been waiting for you." The woman said in a soft voice, reminding him of the voice his aunt, Petunia Dursley used on his cousin Dudley after he had a nightmare. It was the type of voice meant to not wake anyone, and to soothe someone.

"Who are you?" He asked in the quietest voice he could muster. This lady seemed so nice. Maybe she would take him away?

"I'm your friend. I'll stay with you up until you no longer need me." She said. Her smile was soft and sweet, giving Harry a comforting feeling.

"Okay. I'm Harry Potter. And you?" He inquired the lady. She simply smiled and shrugged.

"Whatever you want to call me. I'm your friend now." She answered, eyes dancing from side to side, checking the boy's condition.

"That's a bit weird, but ok. I think I'll call you... Rosie!" The child said enthusiastically, as if he had struck literary gold.

"Ok. Then Rosie I'll be. " The newly named lady nodded in agreement, smile slightly faltering. Even in the afterlife she didn't escape the floral names.

For the following months Harry followed his monotonous routine while Rosie watched attentively.

Sometimes she'd play a tiny prank on Vernon, Harry's uncle. She'd hide his wallet, unscrew the salt shaker, trip him... Mostly harmless pranks that couldn't be traced back to Harry.

Eventually the years passed and Harry no longer needed Rosie. She had said her goodbyes to him on the day he hit 10 years of age.

Harry had cried for a while but, unbeknownst to him, Rosie, actually named Lucy, watched over him as best as she could.

On Harry's 11th birthday she saw Hagrid break down the door. She witnessed him grow up and survive the Dark Lord. And in the end, become the best person he could be.

And so, with all of her affairs in order, did Lucy finally pass over to the afterlife.

After the bright light, Lucy saw the smiling faces of her parents and Nicholas who welcomed her. After them was Sirius and Remus, who hugged her.

Then, there were James and Lily.

Lily gave her a hug, and thanked her profusely for everything she did for her son.

"It's alright, Lily. All I did was make sure he grew up fine, despite his conditions." She had simply told her.

James was the last person she greeted. He was sat in a bench and when she approached him the scenario changed.

It seemed like they were in that lake they had found on the summer of 1971, a secret place no one had ever been to before. Somewhere only they knew.

The silence they shared was heavy but also meaningful.

"Hey, Lucy Poo." James started, reminding her off the last Easter they had spent together.

"Hey Jamesie." She answered. Both looked towards each other and smiled.

This was it. Lucy Dashwood was finally at peace. After all these years.


That was it for the first bonus.

I originally got the idea of the deceased becoming children's imaginary friends from a writing prompt on tiktok.

Today I tried to dye my full hair red. (Author Lily kinnie confirmed??? 🧐) and only the top of my scalp got dyed 🥲. But I'm gonna fix it on Monday. Or at least try to.

As usual, thank you all for reading, voting and commenting.

I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday. Shit happened.

Here, as an apology, have a little preview of hey there, apollina, my next fic. Plus its cover.

"okay, polly. are you going to be at the paper shop on monday?" he asked.

"as it happens, yes. why?" i asked him in return. he shrugged his shoulders.

"it's not everyday i get to go in town. now i have a reason to." he cheekily said, making me giggle.

The book will be about Apollina Lovegood, Luna's older sister and how she and Fred fall in love throughout the summer of 1994

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The book will be about Apollina Lovegood, Luna's older sister and how she and Fred fall in love throughout the summer of 1994.

See you next week!

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