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It had been a few weeks after the Dashwood funeral.

Rob still maintained contact with Marie, since his younger sister and Johnathan liked to play with each other.

He remembered that, after the service, Marie had handed him an envelope addressed to him.

He knew that handwriting all too well. Lucy had written it.

He picked it up from where he had left it long ago and stared at his name that Lucy had scrawled.

With incredible care, he opened the envelope as if it was the most prized thing in the world and took out the letter it contained.

And so he began to read Lucy's last words for him.

"My dearest Rob,

If you're reading this then it means I've died before the war ended.

I'm sorry.

I hope everything goes well for you. That you managed to get at least one O in your OWLs.

I'm not going to sit here and pretend that writing this doesn't hurt. It does. And I'm sure reading this after my demise hurts even more.

Yesterday at breakfast we had gotten the Daily Prophet, as usual. In it was a story about a family of muggles that had been brutally killed by Death Eaters.

I was afraid that this might happen to me during the summer so I wrote these. I don't know how many I'll have ready by then but I hope everyone's is done.

Do you remember last Easter? You told me I'd be lying dead in a coffin before I ever confessed to James.

Oh only if we knew how true those words were. I did confess to him in his letter, if you'd like to know.

I happen to have a few requests for you.

1. Do not and I repeat, DO NOT let ANYONE ever make any sort of memorial thingy when you go back to Hogwarts. I want my death to be a peaceful affair in school.

2. For the love of fucking God get together with Regulus. I'll personally haunt you if you reject that boy, dipshit.

3. Have a long, happy, fulfilling life. I won't have you moaning about your sorry ass life for all eternity.

That is all.

Don't forget to visit my grave. I'm serious.

I'll always be there for you.


Rob's face held a bittersweet smile, Lucy was herself, even in death.

He stared at the paper in his hands and set it aside.

His eyes stung and his vision turned blurry. Tears fell from his eyes in salty drops, slightly soaking his pants.

Rob broke down once more. His sole best friend, gone.

He had been in denial the past few weeks but having read the letter gave him closure. Made him slightly accept Lucy's death.

He got up and left his room for the first time in days, startling his parents who were down stairs.

With an exchange of few words, he was out the door, catching a bus to Godric's Hollow.

He stepped foot in the village and immediately set way towards the florist, who happened to have blue roses on sale. He bought one and brought it towards the cemetery.

He followed the familiar path to the Dashwood family grave and sat in front of it.

He set down the flower next to a crown of white lilies. How ironic.

"Hi Lucy. These past few weeks have been hell. I haven't talked to the others but I know they're breaking down too. Fuck." Rob softly cursed. He rubbed his face and laughed dryly.

"Brilliant thing, you know. Writing those letters. Made me cry too. But thank you. It granted me the closure I needed." Rob said, imagining Lucy sitting in front of him smiling.

"I think I'll accept Regulus's feelings. I don't know. Relationships are complicated." He scoffed.

After an hour or so he got up and left, catching a bus back to his hometown.

And as soon as he was back in the safety of his room, he saw that a letter had been delivered.

The sender, Regulus Black.

He quickly read it and sent back a positive reply.


And that's it for the second bonus.

I thought it would only be fair if we had managed to see Rob's letter.

I literally winged it. James's letter had been pre written but I hadn't found the time to do Rob's so this was what resulted.

I started school again today 😃. 11th grade. Yippee. It's cool tho, I have mostly nice teachers. My Religion teacher, however. That man has some tiddies. And his voice is deep as fuck too. I spent the 50 class minutes panicking 💀.

Have you guys started school already? If so, how has it been?

Also, do you guys think I should post the first chapter of my Fred fic next week with the last bonus?

Be prepared for the feels too.

I ain't letting y'all rest lmao.

I'll see you all next week!

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