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So, it's been a while. Hope you guys are doing good!

I have decided to provide you with a Regulus x oc story, the oc being Rob.

The idea has been marinating in my head ever since I finished Lily back in September but only now have I come to write it so, here it is.

Astrophile is a direct sequel to Lily, taking place 2 years later during Rob's 7th year.

It will be written in the 3rd person, because this time we aren't "reading" a diary.

Fair warning, it's supposed to be as sad as Lily, if not sadder.

WARNING! The work includes:

Main character death
Mentions of Lucy Dashwood and the Dashwood family
Bad jokes by me
Mentions of death
Mentions of violence
Mentions of child abuse
Mentions of sexual abuse

Please take these into consideration. I will place a TW whenever it happens but it is a read at your own risk. I am not to be held responsible should you read something you dislike or are triggered about.

Here is a piece of the prologue, that takes place in November 1976, to taste.

""Robert, I-" Regulus began, wanting the older boy to be aware of his feelings, but was interrupted by Robert, who grabbed the shorter boy and kissed him, his hands softly grabbing Regulus' waist to steady him.

Regulus, who at first was stunned, made quick work of kissing back, making sure that Robert could feel his love as much as he felt his. His hands found themselves in Robert's hair, tangling themselves in the chocolate strands.

They only let go once air became a necessity. Their foreheads touched, brown met grey and neither was awaiting the sheer amount of love in the other's eyes. But never did that stop them from loving each other. "

Hope this made you want to check it out!

Also, I've gotten the question for permission to post stuff about this book on tiktok twice. This work is a fan fiction, so I can't go around giving you permission because I don't own the source material. So you can freely post stuff about it. However, if you do, please tag either my main, thedumplingincident or the one I plan on eventually dedicating to my writing, beawritesorsmth.

Thank you for reading this announcement!

Have a lovely rest of week and a great weekend!

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