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I was not ready for today.

Not only was it James's birthday, it was one of the very few days out of the whole year where his attention wasn't solely on Lily.

Which is why me and Sirius decided to throw him a big ass birthday party. It's the only time one turns 16 after all.

For today we had everything planned out. By we, I meant Sirius, Remus, Peter and Robert. We tried to pull Marlene in, but she was adamant in refusing.

So far, part 1 of the plan was completed. We had to pretend that today was a regular day. James was now sulking in class.

Part 2 consisted in surprising James with a cake and a gift plus an elaborate prank on the Slytherins at dinnertime. We would be surprising them with a special potion that would make them act like rats for a day or two.

Part 3 was leading James to the Room of Requirement. I would be the one carrying on this part, courtesy of Sirius. Fucking bitch.

Part 4 was surprising James with the party. Everyone from the Quidditch team was invited, as well as most people from the houses.

Right now I was sitting in Herbology class with Robert. We were learning about the Atropa Belladonna, otherwise known as Deadly Nightshade, a common poison mostly used by muggles.

A folded paper appeared in front of me. I opened it and it was a note from Robert.

"Are you sure you are ready to face James after dinner. I can find an excuse to help you out. Merlin knows how much weird stuff I've made up."

I quickly scribbled a no and discreetly passed it over, looking at the teacher to make sure she wasn't seeing us.

Robert made a disgruntled noise but didn't say anything for the remainder of class. However, as soon as the bell rang he was grabbing me by the hand and speed walking towards the prefect's bathroom, which he knew the password of, after dating the Ravenclaw prefect for a while.

He forced me to sit on a random chair and looked at me with what could be described as an annoyed glare.

"Spill." Was the sole word that came out of the boy's mouth while he looked down at me.

"Everything is completely fine, Rob. I don't know why you insist on the subject." I uttered, lowering my gaze. I knew he saw right through me.

"Damn it, Lucy! I'm vexed with you! You broke down on Lily's birthday and then on Valentine's Day you're at Madam Puddifoot's with him and then you're helping with his birthday party! When are you going to fucking understand that he's not good for you?" Rob said, an exasperated tone in his voice. His eyes were watery, with some stray droplets making their way down his face.

"I'm sorry, Robert. But I can't stop it now. I'm foolishly and irrevocably in love with James Fleamont Potter. And there's not a day that goes by where I both regret it and love it." I finally admitted. It felt like a weight was lifted off my chest as I said it out loud.

Robert simply stared at me, tears now falling freely from his eyes, while he struggled to from words. I too, felt tears falling from my eyes like salty rain. I immediately latched myself onto the boy and hugged him as tight as I could. And so we stayed like that for while.

"You are one of the smartest and stupidest people I've ever had the pleasure to meet. I hope you know that." He finally said, giving me a smile through the tears.

"I really am, aren't I?" I giggled while rubbing my eye and we both started laughing uncontrollably like a pair of idiots.

"Come on, now. We have to clean ourselves and get to dinner. You have a boy to distract." Rob said, grabbing his handkerchief and cleared his eyes of tears, doing the same for me.

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