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It was the 30th of November, otherwise known as my birthday. I never really wanted to do something special for the occasion, but James and his parents always made it their point to make me remember it.

My parents cared of course, but they knew that celebrating my birthday wasn't something I was overly fond of.

On the other hand, if it was one of my friend's birthday I would go all out and throw them the biggest birthday party Hogwarts has ever seen.

Currently, Robert had somehow managed to get into my dorm and was waking me up quite rudely. I don't even wish to know how he managed to get here.

"Robert?" I asked sleepy.
"What the hell are you doing here at.... 7 am?" I asked once more, now sat up.

"To wake you up. Now, chop chop! We have to get going to breakfast and then class." He said, cheerily. How in Merlin's starry underpants does he keep a cheerful humour at 7 am?

As I was getting dressed, an owl came to my window. I opened it and let the owl in, taking the parcel from it and giving it a treat.

"Oh! It's from Regulus!" I said excitedly, opening the small box and peering inside. Regulus had sent me some candy and he got me some ribbons to tie my hair with. How sweet of him.

After I went through the whole box Regulus sent me, I walked towards the entrance to the common room and there was Robert, trying to ask out Lana Macduff. A lost cause, really. Everyone knows that Amos Diggory was going to ask her out and no one wants to get in his way since he will see it as a challenge and do it recklessly and then rub his victory on the poor soul's face.

As I was approaching the pair, Lana walked away after most likely rejecting him and he looked around, probably looking for me.

"Ah! My dear Luciana!" Robert yelled out when he spotted me. This enraged me. My name is not Luciana.

"Shut it Robert! My name is not Luciana!" I hissed, glaring at him. He simply laughed.

We walked together towards the Great Hall and on the way, some other students wished me a happy birthday.
As we entered the Hall, James's voice was heard.

"LUCY POO! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" He screamed, effectively making me blush. Thankfully, I always blush when put in situations such as the one I'm in now, where everyone is staring at me, otherwise it would be very suspicious why I looked at James and blushed.

I was passing Gryffindor table towards my usual place at Hufflepuff table when I heard my name being called.

"Lucy! Happy birthday!" I looked back to thank the person and froze for a second. There stood Lily Evans, smiling at me with her perfectly set of white teeth.

"Thank you." I said. It sounded more like a question than a statement and I did stumble on my words for a bit. Thankfully she didn't seem to notice it.

"Hope you have a great day. Here. This is for you." She said and gave me a wrapped parcel that I opened immediately. Inside was my favourite book, signed by the author. Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to formulate words.

My copy of the book was destroyed by Bellatrix Lestrange when I accidentally bumped into her. She made a show out of the situation, stealing my book and running towards the Black Lake and throwing it in. I never managed to recover the book.

"Thank you so much. How did you manage to get this?" I asked through my soft sobs, running my hand over the hardcover decorated with golden letters and designs.

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