I'm Freaking Okay

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"The baby's fine, Jin. I just feel horrible about all of this! Is he hurt bad?" Y/N asked as Jin lead her out of her room.

"Nothing he can't handle, but not to worry, he was only concerned about you."

They continued to walk towards Jungkook's room when Jin stopped, "Wait, is that Jimin?" He backed up and saw Jimin fiddling with the blinds in a room they had passed. "Hey, look who's here!" Jin said proudly as he walked into the room with Y/N on his arm. "Wait-where's Jungkook?" Jin asked.

Just then a nurse walked up behind them, "May I come in? I have an update on Mr. Jeon's condition."

"Condition?" Asked Y/N as the nurse closed the door.

"Yes, I'm afraid he had to have emergency surgery. We found internal bleeding and it was bad enough to cause his blood pressure to drop dangerously low. He's stable for now as they look for the cause of the bleeding. I will update you soon and the doctor will speak with you once he's out of surgery."

Y/N looked at Jimin and Jin, "Oh my god, what  have I done?"

"It's not your fault," Jin told her as he embraced her, "These things happen. He's going to be fine, trust me, we can't get rid of him that easily." Jin joked but Y/N was not amused as her eyes watered.

Jimin and Jin exchanged concerned looks, "Ill call the others, and his parents." Jimin took out his phone as he walked near the corner of the room.

"Why am I so stupid? None of this would be happening if I wasn't here." Y/N frantically looked around, "Ugh! I need a cigarette! I need my boyfriend! I need to be shot!"

"Calm down, I said it's not your fault. Come with me, we'll get a soda." Jin took her by the arm, "I've never seen you smoke." He said as they walked out the door. "It's because I don't."

~ ~ ~

Jungkook blinked, seeing nothing but white light. "Well, someone finally decided to wake up!" A annoyingly cheerful voice rang through his ears.

He only grunted as the room slowly came into sight.

"Are you feeling any pain, hon?" A nurse with a smile plastered on her face asked him.

"No, no I don't think...ah." He tried to sit up too soon and she gave him a disapproving look. "Don't try to move just yet, I'll get the doctor to prescribe something for the pain and then we'll have you out of here in no time!"

"I need to see my girlfriend...I need to know if she's okay."

"I'll see what I can do but you'll have to see the doc first, let me go see if he's ready to see you."

Jungkook laid his head back on the pillow, his anxiety at maximum peak as he pictured the worst-case scenario with Y/N. He wanted to run to her, that's what he was supposed to do, hold her hand and kiss her and make everything better, but all he could do was lay here in his own misery.

There was a knock on the door and the doctor stepped in, "Mr. Jeon, I'm glad you're finally awake. He walked over to him and lifted his shirt and his bandage, checking on his incision, "You somehow lacerated your spleen in the fall, but I believe we have it taken care of, are you feeling better?"

"Yes, but I really need to see my girlfriend, she was brought in unconscious, I just need to see that she's okay."

The doctor raised his eyebrows, "Are you even able to stand up properly yet? You'll need help just getting in the wheelchair, do you any relatives with you?"

"Yes...I mean they're my friends, but they will take care of me, I just need to get back to the ER where they are waiting."

"Alright then, but no walking yet. We will wheel you down there, no sudden movements and absolutely no lifting anything for at least a week, okay?"

Jungkook agreed and the doctor had the nurse wheel him down to the ER where he ran into Jin and Y/N. He gasped upon seeing her walking beside him, "Y/N! Your okay!" His eyes swelled with tears as he reached his hand out to her.

"Jungkook! I'm so sorry, baby, I never meant for this to happen, please forgive me!" She dropped down to her knees in front of him, her eyes tearing up.

"No baby, it's okay, it's not your fault...I shouldn't have lied to you, we wouldn't be in this situation if I hadn't."

Y/N lightly stroked his arm, "What happened to you?" She lifted his shirt instinctively, seeing his bandages, "Oh baby, I promise I'll take care of you, let's get you home."

"But wait, is...the baby," He hung his head as his voice trailed off, afraid of her response.

She raised up, a puzzled look on her face, "The baby is fine, let's get you home, okay?"

~ ~

"Jungkook!" Y/N cried as she tore the covers off of her and jumped up from the bed, "You shouldn't be up on your own!"

"I was just going to get a snack, I think my medicine has increased my appetite a little and I didn't want to wake you."

She grabbed his arm and lead him back to the bed, "I'll get a snack for you, stay in bed."

She walked down the stairs carefully as she remembered Jungkook trying to catch her, her chest feeling heavy once again. As she made it into the living room she heard voices coming from the kitchen, "We just don't have a choice, if he doesn't break up with her and get back in the game, he's out, I can't do anything about it."

Y/N tip toed towards the kitchen and put her back against the wall, peering around the corner. An older man stood with his back towards her and Jin and RM sat at the table, visibly upset.

"But....she's pregnant, you can't really expect him to abandon his own child can you?" Jin went to stand up but RM pulled him back down, "Calm down, that won't help anything." He turned his head to the man, "He can't simply break up with her, rather, he won't break up with her, he's really in love. There has to be another way."

"Idols don't have time for family, you all knew that when you signed the contracts. We aren't asking him to abandon her or his child, we just need him to make a decision as to whether or not he wants to continue with the company, and he can't be a father if he does."

Y/N's heart sank as her body trembled, Jungkook would be forced to make a decision to continue with his career or stay with her and be a father, and she was absolutely terrified of the choice he would make.

She tip toed to her purse on the table and rummaged through it for any possible snacks as she couldn't possibly go into the kitchen. She pulled out a granola bar and made her way back to his room.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I didn't mean to inconvenience you." Jungkook pouted as she handed him his snack.

"Huh? Oh, yeah...no it's fine, I'm happy to do it." She turned her back to him and sighed, contemplating what to do next as there was no way she could simply go back to sleep when her heart ached so much. She needed to leave and get out of his life for good, but could she force herself to leave him?

"Is something wrong, Y/N? Are you feeling okay?" He peered up at her with doe eyes.

She spun around, "Jungkook, I know it would be...asking a lot but....if you had to make a decision at this point, to...marry me and....give up BTS....would you want to? Don't get me wrong," She sat on the bed and pushed his hair out of his eyes, "I would never intentionally interfere or ask you to do that, but....if you had to...would you?"

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