I'm Freaking Injured

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"Oh shit! Jungkook! Y/N!" RM shouted as he ran to the two he just witnessed fall to the bottom of the stairs together. Jungkook laid sprawled out on the floor, blinking for a moment until he heard RM cussing. He cried out as he turned his body to find Y/N, holding his side.

"She's not conscious! Call an ambulance!" Jin screamed as Jimin pounded on his phone to make it cooperate.

"Y/N! Help her!" Jungkook called out to RM as he drug himself across the floor with one arm. "Jimin, check Jungkook!" RM ordered as he and Jin hovered over Y/N on their knees checking her breathing. "Okay, she's breathing, but's it's really shallow." Jin informed the group as Jhope stroked Jungkook's hair out of nervousness and not knowing how to help.

Jungkook laid his cheek up against Y/N's lightly as his tears rolled down both of their cheeks, "Please wake up, baby." He repeated over and over again as if he thought the more times he said it, the more it would work. He went to touch her and pulled his hand back, afraid to touch her anywhere out of fear of hurting her any further.

Jimin helped a reluctant Jungkook to a sitting position, "Where do you feel pain?"

Jungkook's eyes clouded with tears as he shook his head, "I don't know, my arm I guess." Jimin patted him on his knee, "It's okay, we'll get you both fixed up, she's gonna be fine."

Jin walked in the door and the EMT's that were following close behind him ran over to Y/N. They assessed her condition and turned to Jin, "It's possible she may have a concussion, we'll need to get her to the hospital right away," He turned to look at Jungkook, "Follow my light," He shined the light in his eyes and moved it side to side and up and down, "Do you have any pain anywhere?"

"My arm, but it's fine for now, can I go with her?" Jungkook asked as the other EMT's lifted her onto a stretcher. "It's best that you don't, we have just enough room for us to work in the event something happens, if you feel like you need immediate attention we can get you into another Ambulance."

"No, no, I'm okay. Just take care of her, please."

"We always do our best." The EMT smiled at him and walked out the door behind the others.

"Come on Jungkook, we'll take you to the hospital." Jin grabbed his keys and Jimin bent down to help him up, "Ah, stop." Jungkook winced and held his side.

"Jungkook, let me see your side, did this hurt before?"

"Don't worry, we have to go, I can get myself up, just get in the car and be ready."


"We are here to see Y/N, and I think my friend may need to see a doctor as well. Is there a place for us to stay that is out of the public eye?" Jin whispered to the nurse at the desk. Her eyes widened when she looked up to see Jungkook leaning on the counter as Jimin held onto him. She immediately recognized them and called security. She was on the phone for only a moment and then jogged around the counter, pushing a wheel chair, "I'll take you to a private room, security is on their way, just in case."

She wheeled Jungkook into the room and helped him into the bed, "Go ahead and get into this gown when you can, I'll let the doctors know you're hear," she paused for a moment as she scrolled on her tablet, "You said you were here to see.....a Y/N, right? They brought her in just a little while ago, let me go see what I can find out."

Just a few minutes later a young doctor knocked and popped his head in, "Mr. Jeon?" He came in and closed the door behind him, "I just wanna check you out, make sure everything's okay. I heard you and Y/N took a tumble down the stairs, huh?" He pressed his finger tips on Jungkook's chest and various places on his abdomen.

"Yes, is she okay?"

"She's doing alright, she's awake now and her vitals are great, but I'm worried about your side here, do you think you might have hit something sharp in the fall?"

"No...I'm not sure....I don't think-ahh, shit." The doctor looked up at him as he pressed down on his side again. "I'm afraid, this isn't good. The bruising is pretty bad, I'm ordering an ultrasound, but don't worry, we'll get ya fixed up."

"Thank you, Doctor. Is there any chance we can see Y/N?" Jin asked, a hopeful expression on his face.

"Of course, but I don't want you getting up," He looked towards Jungkook, "Maybe after the ultrasound."

"I'll go see her now, is there anything you want me to tell her?" Jin asked, looking back before he followed behind the doctor. Jungkook shook his head, "Just tell her I love her."

Jungkook quietly stared at the ceiling while Jimin sat at the end of the bed scrolling through his phone out of boredom. Sighing, he looked over at Jungkook and put his phone in his pocket, "Rest, you need it after all this."

"I can't, not until I know they are okay."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, "They? Ohhh, duh." He patted Jungkook's leg, "Jin will let us know in just a few."

"Mr. Jeon?" A timid looking nurse came in and stood at the end of the bed, "Are you ready to have your ultrasound?"

"He sure is." Jimin gave her a welcoming smile before turning to Jungkook, "I'll be waiting for you, just relax, okay?"

Jungkook gave him a half smile and lazily raised his good arm to give him a thumbs up. As she wheeled the bed out of the room, the very slight breeze caused him to get the chills and he pulled his blankets up around his chin. By the time they got to the ultrasound room, his teeth were chattering and his body was shaking so bad it made his abdomen hurt even worse.

"You don't look so good, honey. I'll make it as fast as possible, okay?" An older woman looked down at him with a worried look on her face as she pulled back the blankets he had his fingers curled around. She lifted up his gown and squirted the lubricant on his side, causing him to gasp from the cold.

"I'm sorry honey, I just have to get a few pictures around this...." He looked up at her when she stopped talking abruptly. She had a serious look on her face as she moved her hand around while studying the screen. "Is something wrong?" He asked, the hoarseness in his voice surprising himself.

"Don't worry, I'm just gonna go speak with your doctor real fast. He's right outside, I'll leave the door open."

He watched her grab the doctor by his arm but she was too far away to for him to hear their conversation. He laid his head back and winced as a sharp pain radiated across his abdomen just as the doctor quickly came into the room and studied the monitor. The nurse patted Jungkook on his hand as he looked up to her, his eyes showing his intense pain. "It's going to be okay. Let me get you a warmed blanket." She walked over to a drawer and pulled out a crisp blanket and laid it completely over him and tucked it around his neck.

The warmth from the blanket did little to calm his trembling. He grunted and started to move his legs as he turned his head back and forth, "Miss..", He groaned out before spewing all over the side of the bed. He raised up, holding his side as the nurse put her arms on his shoulders to keep him from getting up and the doctor jumped over to him, "Mr. Jeon, I believe you have internal bleeding, do you consent to...Mr. Jeon? MR. JEON!" The doctor shook him and yelled to the nurse as he checked his pulse, "He needs surgery immediately, call the OR and tell them I'm coming." He grabbed a hold of the bed and zoomed down the hallway as other doctors and nurses joined him, running alongside the bed as they checked his vitals again.

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