I'm Freaking Crying

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What's up readers? In this chapter there are some controversial birth control methods(morning after pills), if you are sensitive to this, please don't read! 

                             It was after 2PM and Y/N had become exhausted from running all over the city, searching each pharmacy for the kind of birth control you can take the morning after. She had been gone since 9AM this morning and had left her phone at the hotel so she had no way of telling Jungkook that she would be late. 

She took the charger she had bought for RM and made her way back to the hotel, defeated. She thought that she might call her doctor the next morning when they are open, they may be able to help her out, but then again, what if she had a baby with the most famous singer in the world? 

"Y/N! Hey, I was getting worried about you!" RM said as he opened the door for her. She handed him his charger, "Yeah, I got carried away looking at somethings, you know how girls are." She lied.  Jungkook shot up from the couch that he had been laying on feeling miserable for himself. "Y/N, w-what took you so long?" He asked her as he walked over to her, taking the bags from her hands and setting them on the table. 

"I guess the time got away from me while I was window shopping. Don't worry, I got lunch, or uh, dinner anyways." She smiled to him, but he knew there was sadness in her eyes. 

He took her into the room with the bed while Jin and RM noisily pigged out on the food that she brought. "What is bothering you? Is it what happened last night?" He asked her, looking into her eyes for clues as he fiddled with the hem of her shirt. 

"Huh? Last night?" She immediately looked down to the floor, her face completely red from the thoughts that ran through her head, "Uh, no. I mean, that's not bothering me, why do think something is bothering me?"

Jungkook stared at her until she finally looked at him, "Maybe because you couldn't look me in the eyes for a full two minutes after I said the words "last night"?" He turned away from her, feeling extremely exposed and vulnerable. He thought she was so different, that he could trust her, and now here he was, about to be rejected. "Okay, well just tell me this, are you on any type of birth control?"

She gulped and looked down at the floor again, "Uh, no I'm not. I was actually-" He interrupted her, "Why would you let me do that if you weren't on birth control? Are you trying to trap me or something?" He turned around and gave her a disgusted look. Her eyes went wide at first and then narrowed, "I most certainly was not! I just, I just got caught up in the moment, and I had just woken up, it was the middle of the night! But screw you if you think that about me!"

She walked over to the balcony about to open the door when she remembered what happened there, and instead ran into the bathroom, bursting into tears. Jungkook rolled his eyes and went to walk away until her heard the faintest sound coming from the bathroom. He quietly walked over to listen through the door and he could have sworn he heard what sounded like crying. 

He felt bad for what he had said, he wanted to tell her that he believed her when she told him she got caught up in the moment, he did too. He wanted to rush into the bathroom, wipe her tears away, and kiss her, but he couldn't. He didn't care about the game he was playing now, he had already lost. He fell deeply for her and she didn't feel the same, that was all there was to it. 

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