I'm Freaking Tired

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               Jungkook rolled his eyes, "I don't know, my pictures, my number?" She raised an eyebrow at him. "Pffft, yeah that's okay, peace I'm out." She turned on her heels and walked away. A short while later they announced his flight was boarding. "Why are you everywhere?" He whined as he sat in his seat, beside the girl he was talking to before.

"Ugh, you?" She asked as she tilted her head back on the seat. "Look, you're the famous person, why don't you get them to change your seat or something? Just tell them I'm annoying you or something." She said as she popped her earbuds in her ears.

"Well, I wouldn't be lying," he said under his breath. He decided to stay where he was as he figured at least she wouldn't talk him to death. He laid back and closed his eyes. After several times of being bumped in the arm or side by him trying to find a comfortable position she whipped one of her earbuds out, "You do realize your causing more turbulence than a storm, right?" She hissed at him. "Yeah, it's because I can hear the music through your earbuds and can't fall asleep, and I'm freaking tired! What is that crap anyways?" He said as he twisted in his seat again.

"I wouldn't expect Sir Prissy to know, it's a rock band, thank you very much."

He raised up and cut his eyes at her. "What's your freaking problem?"

Her eyes went wide, "Ha! My problem? You're a jerk!"

"I'm only a jerk to fans that clearly know where I'm going and book a flight because they think I'm going to look them in the eyes and fall in love or realize they're my soulmate."

His words made her blood boil. "Okay, lets do this then, how about I turn my music off, you stay still, and we never talk to each other again?" She pulled the other earbud out and put them in her pocket along with her phone. "That would be perfect," he said as he turned away from her.

He didn't even bother closing his eyes as he was wide awake now. He felt kind of bad for saying that to her as he knew it wasn't true, but there was something about her that just got on his last nerve. 

After a while, he calmed down and turned his head toward her to see what she was doing. She had her head laid back on her chair and was sound asleep, drooling. He laughed out loud at the sight and grabbed her phone out of her pocket and immediately took several pictures of her.  He even took one with him giving the peace sign right beside her. He wasn't worried about his picture being leaked, as something told him she was not really like that, but he knew she wouldn't want to show anyone this particular picture anyways. 

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