Chapter 1

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Your POV

I sighed as the warm summer breeze passed through me as I pumped gas into my little car, glancing at Grant periodically as he colored in a little coloring book. We were in New Jersey right now, and this would most likely be the last time that I'd have to stop and fill up my tank before we reached Manhattan.

Once my tank was full, I climbed back into the car and pulled out of the little gas station. I smiled nervously at myself as I drove on through the state of New Jersey, remembering that my father was originally from here.

I'd glance at Grant in the backseat from the rear view mirror ever so often, and sometimes we'd catch each other's gaze, both making silly faces at each other and then giggling to ourselves.

That's one thing I loved about him. He was such a kind little boy, aways making sure that I was okay, with his steadily growing vocabulary. He could do just about anything, and he learned very quickly, which was good and bad at the same time. Good since I didn't have to repeat myself, but bad because he picks up some swear words sometimes, but he also acquired my laid back country slang which was adorable. He's well mannered too, I raised him to say sir and ma'am, and to shake people's hands along with the regular please and thankyou's. He even tries to open doors for me when he can, but most times he tries to pull a door that is supposed to be pushed, or vice versa. But I can't say much, because he obviously got that from me.

He was a spitting image of me. I thought that he'd end up to look like his father, but he looked so much like me that it was a little unsettling. He had my nose, eyes, and even our hair was the same, in thickness and color. He was quite tall for his age, which didn't surprise me since his father was on the taller side. He was quite strong for his age as well, being as he always helped where he could around the farm, even gong as far as carrying buckets of feed that I filled up halfway for him so that he could carry them.

Next thing I knew, we were on one of the many bridges that connected Manhattan to New Jersey. I glanced back at Grant to see him looking up at the tall beige in awe, his face practically smushed up against the glass.

"It's pretty ain't it?" I spoke in my native southern accent as I looked out my window on the drivers side periodically, also taking in the sight.

Grant just nodded vigorously from the backseat as his little eyes shot from one thing to another. I smiled as I focused back on my gps, only 25 more minutes to go, and that was if the traffic was bad, but I expected that it wouldn't be too bad, considering it was ten am on a Sunday .

I maneuvered between the cars on the road and settled in at a good speed as I followed my gps' instructions.

"Momma look!! It's Iron Man's tower!" Grant shouted from the backseat, quickly apologizing after for yelling in the car.

I looked over to my left and sure enough, I saw a tall skyscraper that had a giant 'A' on it.

"What do you think he's up to in there?" I spoke as I took one last glance at the tower before passing it completely.

"Probably doing superhero stuff, or talking to captain America." He spoke a-matter-of-factly as his eyes followed the tower until it was out of sight.

"Does Captain America live with him?" I asked Grant as I turned down the road that Dallas lived on.

"Yup! The Falcon, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and The Winter Solider live with him." He spoke as he looked out onto the sidewalk from his window.

"You'll have to remind me who the winter guy is later, I don't remember him." I parallel parked and pulled the keys out of the ignition.

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