Chapter 5

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**(Wednesday, about 12:00)**

Your POV

     It was my hour for lunch and I had picked Grant up from daycare just a few minutes ago, and we were headed to the new house. Everything got processed a lot quicker than I had originally planned, and I got possession of the house yesterday afternoon after I got off work. Grant skipped next to me as we walked down the sidewalk to the house.

"I'm excited. Are you excited? I am." Grant rambled as we approached the steps of our new house.

"Yes, Grant I'm exited. So much so I can barley stand in one spot." I laughed as I climbed up the steps to the front door.

"Wait! Momma close your eyes!" Grant exclaimed as I put my key in the lock.

     I closed my eyes and unlocked the door, but didn't open it. Grant insisted that I shouldn't peek, so he made me crouch down so that his small hand could cover my eyes as he pushed open the door with the other.

Bucky's POV

     I was rushing down the sidewalk to make it to Brooklyn on time. Grant told me that they got a new house and he wanted me to see it. He told me the general spot, according to an eight year old's memory, and it didn't take me long before I spotted Y/n squatted down on the front steps of a house, with Grant covering her eyes. I smiled at them and just watched the interaction.

Y/n looked like she was such a good mother, and I admired her for being as strong as she was, and how she was a rock for little Grant, even when they moved across the country.

I watched from a distance with my head to the side as Grant pushed open the door to the house and threw his hands off his mother's eyes. I took this as my que to make myself known and creeped up the stairs after the pair.

Grant noticed me first and greeted me with our secret handshake that we made yesterday when he stayed with me while is mom worked. Y/. Turned around shortly after and smiled in surprise as she saw me.

"Hey! How did we were here?" She spoke with her brows furrowed and I smirked at her and Grant, motioning for Grant to explain.

"I told him that we got a new house and I wanted him to see!" Grant spoke excitedly before scampering off up the stairs.

"Well.....this is my house now." She gestured to the house before her. Before speaking again with more firemen and enthusiasm that matched Grant's. "You wanna tour?"

"Lead the way, doll." I gestured for her to go ahead of me and I watched smugly as her face turned red.


      Y/n's new house was beautiful, snd I think that it'll be perfect for her and Grant. We were leaning against the kitchen bar, watching as Grant ran around the yard outside with his arms stuck out as if he was an airplane.

"So you've got an hour for lunch?" I raised my eyebrows at the woman beside me.

"Yeah, I've got...... about twenty-five minutes left." She spoke as she looked down at the watch on her wrist.

"Mind if I take you and Grant out for lunch before you head back to the office?" I looked at her with hopeful eyes as a huge grin broke out across her face.

"Sure! I'd love to, and I'm sure Grant wouldn't mind either, considering he practically loves you." The smile on her face never left while she spoke.

Your POV

I was over the moon that Bucky wanted to take not just me, but also Grant to lunch. Usually guys forget about Grant completely, or don't want anything to do with him. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't attracted to the tall snd muscular brunette. Watching him and Grant bicker opened a door in my heart that I to put so many padlocks on. I shook my head mentally at the thought of pushing Grant into anything so quickly.

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