Chapter 17

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Smol A/n: I will put where you can play the song.

Bucky's POV

     I woke up in the early hours of the morning with Y/n's smaller form laying on top of me like a blanket. I debated getting up for an hour or so, until ultimately deciding to get up.

     I carefully and expertly maneuvered the sleeping form on top of me, and onto the bed beside me. Y/n usually slept like the dead, so I had no concerns that she would wake up. Her limp form flopped over onto the pillows, and I carefully crawled out of the warm bed, shivering at the harsh cold of the room. Y/n almost always slept with a fan on, since she didn't like sleeping hot, and she simply could not bare the dead silence of night. I avoided the fan's harsh blast and made my way into Y/n's closet.

     I went straight for the drawers where I used to put my clothes, and I was thoroughly surprised when I saw that all of my clothes were still hanging up, and everything still in the drawers. I rummaged around for a few seconds, trying to find my grey sweats, when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. My red Henley was in the dirty clothes basket. I smiled to myself, the thought of her wearing my clothes even when I wasn't around making my chest swell with pride.

     Even after all I've put her through, she still parades around in my clothes. If that isn't love, then I don't know what is. I turned back to the drawer, and found my sweatpants buried underneath Y/n's assortment of leggings and sweatpants, and pulled them out, and quickly threw them on. I debated on getting a shirt or not, and as I shuffled over to stand in front of my section of T-shirts and such, an idea occurred to me.

     I flipped through a few hangers and shirts before I found what I was looking for. I grabbed a rainbow T-shirt that Y/n had gotten me back when we first started dating as a joke, and pulled it over my head. She will get a kick out of this. I then ran my flesh hand over the different materials, until I felt the softest one, and pulled it off the hanger. It just so happened to be my white T-shirt with The Rolling Stones logo on it, a band that I had come to like. I did a 180 and faced Y/n and I's section of jeans. My finger ran over to where
Y/n's skinny jeans were, and I grabbed a pair of high-waisted, dark wash jeans to pair with the shirt. I remember her saying that she liked the jeans that came up super high on her, since it covered her 'flab', whatever that was. Maybe she meant the small amount of excess skin she had because of where she had Grant. I laid out the clothing on the bathroom counter, where she's sure to see them.

     I'll never truly understand her, since every inch of her was perfect. I understood the fact that she had her insecurities, and I had mine, but hers are what make her beautiful.

     She hates her stretch marks that litter her stomach. To me they are visible proof that she is a strong, fierce woman, who was brave enough to endure a child growing inside of her for nine months.

     She doesn't like the fact that her thighs rub together when she walks, or that they fan out when she sits down. I think that they're a godsend, and that they make her all the more beautiful. Just thinking about all of the power she holds within them is enough to make a man think twice.

     She absolutely despises her small double-chin. I think that it's cute, and it's a sign that she's healthy.

     Despite all of her insecurities and flaws that she thinks she has, she'll always be beautiful in my eyes, no matter what happens to her physical form.


     I had just put the bacon on a paper towel-covered plate, when I heard the quiet creaking of boards on the stairs. I smiled as I maneuvered over to the griddle where I flipped enough pancakes to feed a small army.

     Just as I was about to flip the last pancake, I felt a pair of arms wrap tightly around my middle. I smiled softly and held onto her arms with my flesh hand, while the other flipped the last pancake over.

    I turned around in her embrace, and she buried her face in my chest. The smile on my face grew as I hugged her tightly. Just as I had predicted, she was changed into the clothes that I had set out for her. My shirt was a couple sizes too big for her, so it hung off of one of her shoulders, but hugged her chest. Men's shirts just fit differently. She still looked absolutely adorable.

     As we swayed together slightly in each others embrace, my hands roamed down her back, to the back pockets of her jeans, and a broken gasp left her mouth as I gave her ass a playful squeeze. Sadly, that was not what I was here for. I pulled her phone out of her back pocket, and looked over her head as I unlocked it, and looked for a song. I drew a blank at what to play, but I smirked triumphantly when I stumbled across a song by Corb Lund. I pressed on the song and hit play.

(Que the song if you'd like)

     I turned the volume up to a good number, and set it behind me on the counter. Y/n's head rose up from my chest, and she smiled lovingly at me as she put her arms around my neck, and I placed my hands on her waist.

"I like your shirt'." She giggled quietly as we swayed in the middle of the kitchen to the song.

"I thought you might. How'd you sleep?" I spun her slowly, and she laughed softly.

"That's the best I've ever slept." She sighed blissfully as her head found its way back to my chest.

"I'm glad you slept good. I did, too." I kissed the top of her head.

     We swayed around on the tiled floor, us both sharing kisses and hushed words of appreciation until the song ended. Even after the song had faded out, we remained in each other's arms.

     After a few moments, rushed footsteps were heard, and then a little boy with y/h/c came barreling into the kitchen.

"Momma!! It's my birth- DAD!!!" Grant was cut off in his own excitement and he came racing towards me and almost knocked me over in a hug.

Your POV

     I stepped back from Bucky, and sat back to watch Grant hug him as tight as his little arms would allow. I sat and admired the two for a moment, but froze momentarily when I heard Grant mumble something into Bucky's torso.

"My birthday wish came true."
It was quiet, but I heard it, and Bucky heard it too.

     We shared a loving look, and I went to turn the music off, when the smoke alarm went off.

"Damnit! Not again!!" I shouted as the alarm screeched.


I know y'all probably don't care, but a big reason as to why I haven't been updating as much is because a couple of weeks ago, I bought my very own horse. I've been wanting to invest in one for a while, and I grew up around horses, so I knew what I was getting myself into.

Meet Spider :)

(Picture courtesy of my best friend

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(Picture courtesy of my best friend.)

-Tallie (4/6/21)

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