Chapter 11

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Your POV

     The next day was full of busy shenanigans. There was one trip from my house to the tower, to get Bucky's things. He didn't have a lot, but Grant and I chatted and visited with the other team members as Bucky got his things. I offered to help him, but he insisted that he could manage.

"He's got it real bad." Steve spoke from the coffee table, where he was playing Uno with Grant, Sam, and Tony.

"Yeah. He was so exited that night he finally took you out on a date." Tony snickered as he laid down a blue three onto the deck.

     My features relaxed and a lazy smile adorned my face as I thought back to that special night.


     I was sitting on the couch, sorting through the monthly bills, when I heard a soft knock on the door. I got up and approached the door cautiously, I wasn't expecting anyone. The house was quiet, save for my footsteps. Grant was over at a friend's house for the weekend, so it was just me.

     I cracked the door open a little, but swung it right open when I saw who was standing at the door. Bucky.

     He had a bouquet of f/f, and he had on a pair of khakis with a button up black dress shirt. My eyebrows rose sky high as I took in his attire as I stood there in the doorway, a hopeful feeling bubbling up in my chest.

"I was wondering if you'd like to get out of the house for the night. By me taking you out on a date." He smiled nervously and my face flushed, an uncontrollable grin covering my face.

"I-I'd love to! Oh lord- please, come in." I stepped aside and shook my own head at my foolishness.

"What did you have in mind?" I rocked back and fourth on my heels, unable to tear my gaze away from his.

"So is that a yes?" He questioned as he went over onto the kitchen, me following shortly behind. He went over to the sink and opened the cabinet underneath it, pulling out a vase and filling it with water before he put the flowers in it and then set it on the counter. He'd been here enough times to know where I kept everything.

"Yes! Yes, yes, it's a yes. Oh god I sound like a schoolgirl." I mumbled to the last part to myself as I leaned against the counter in the kitchen.

     Bucky's grin was contagious, and soon we were both giggling at our faces, both ecstatic to be in this moment right here, right now.

"Then I should go get dressed." I spoke excitedly and practically ran up the stairs.

     When I came back down the stairs, I was wearing a f/c dress that I had been itching to wear. It came down to about mid thigh, and it flowed beautifully yet casually. It was off the shoulder with sleeves down to the wrist, and I fell in love with it when I first saw it.

 It was off the shoulder with sleeves down to the wrist, and I fell in love with it when I first saw it

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(Just imagine it as your favorite color, or whatever color you want.)

I paired it with some nude colored pumps, and left my face clean, except for a little mascara.

I was careful not to trip down the stairs, and I gripped onto the railing with my slightly clammy hands. I was so exited, I could just squeal. I've been friends with Bucky for what felt like forever, and we'd talked about going on a date before, but it always ended up being postponed because of either a mission of his, or because I couldn't find a babysitter for Grant.

As I reached the bottom of the steps, I looked around for Bucky in the kitchen, but he was nowhere to be seen. I turned around to go look for him in the living room, when I saw him in the doorway. He stood there in all his glory, his hands hanging down, eyebrows raised sky high, and his mouth slightly agape. I approached him slowly, my hands folded neatly in front of me.

"Shut your mouth before you catch flies." I spoke softly and smirked at him as I gently placed one hand on his jaw and the other under his chin to gently close his mouth.

Before either of us could comprehend it, our lips were locked in intense passion, both of us giving the other everything we had.


To this day I still don't know who initiated the kiss first, but I'd like to think that I did. It gives me an ego boost. We actually didn't end up leaving the house to go to any extravagant restaurant or have a romantic walk in the park at all. We ended up ordering shitty sushi from a place down the road, and watched movies while we laughed about how much the food costed us and how shit it tasted, but we ate it anyways. 

     That date led to many more, and even some where Grant went with us, and that led to him asking me out, me saying yes, and that brings us to now, him moving in with Grant and I,
nine months of dating later.

"One!" Steve yelled triumphantly and I snorted at him.

"You say Uno, Steve. It's Uno." I struggled to hold in a laugh at how not up-to-times he was.

" didn't say it before the next turn sooooo......cap, draw five!" Grant exclaimed from his place across from Steve.

"That's not fair! I didn't know!" Steve tried to defend himself from the brutal attacks from the eight year old.

"Nah-ah-ah. That's the rule, cap'n." Tony sided with Grant, and pointed tot he deck of cards.

     Steve begrudgingly drew five cards, and sat with a pout on his face. We all shared a laugh and they continued playing, Grant winning the game. They decided to play another round, since Bucky still wasn't finished yet, and I decided to join in.

I had won the second round as Uno, and by now, I was starting to worry about Bucky. He said that he didn't have much to pack, so he should have been done by now.

I excused myself, and left the common room of the tower, Friday directing me to Bucky's room. As I got closer to the room in question, I could hear heavy footsteps moving around in the room quickly. I then heard a crash, and ran towards the door as quick as my feet could carry me. Nothing on this earth could have prepared me for what I saw once I opened that thick wooden door.


Dun dun duhhhhhhhhhh!!! I hope you are enjoying this book so far!! 💚💚💚


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