Chapter 15

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Bucky's POV

When I got to the conference room, fury was standing alone, with a thick folder sat on the large table in front of him.

"You look like shit." Those were the first words to come out of the Director's mouth, this should be good.

"Thanks. You got a mission for me?" I motioned towards the file, but stayed a few spaces away from the man.

"You read my mind." He slid the file over to me and I stopped it with my flesh hand, opening it up and quickly flicking through the pages. "I just need you to do a quick sweep of a building that's suspected to hold HYDRA operatives. Just gathering some intel, a quick in and out solo job for you Sarge." Fury folded his hands behind his back as he looked out at the setting sun in the window behind him.

"Consider it done, Director."


As I was strapping into my gear, I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door. This time I really expected it to be Steve, so I called out for them to come in. I was a little surprised but not really in shock that Wanda stood there in my doorway.

"Listen, if you're here to give me another lecture, can it wait until I finish this?" I buttoned up my jacket and grabbed my combat boots from off the bed.

It was silent for a while, Wanda now over sitting at the foot of my bed, her back to me.

"They really do miss you." She spoke without turning to me."Grant used his birthday wish to wish for you to come back home."

I had just finished buttoning up my gloves and was getting ready to leave when she said that, and I paused. I sucked my teeth hard in anger, raging at myself for being such a damn fool for being so blind, considering that I should have got the notion in the party invitation. Without another word, or even a sparing glance, I walked out of the door, and down to the garage where I kept my motorcycle, double checking that I had all of my weapons on the way.


I was strapped up in my gear, and on my way down to the small abandoned hospital where some activity was picked up. It seemed easy enough, just gathering intel. I'd read in the file that there were only a couple instances of suspicious activity here, and they essentially just needed someone to deem it all clear. I parked my bike a couple of blocks away, shoving the keys into my pocket after I had put the kickstand down and double checked that all of my saddle bags were locked up tight. This was one of the sketchier neighborhoods in Manhattan.

When I was only a couple of building away from the hospital, I pulled my phone out to check the time, but I got distracted by e picture I had set for my background. It was a picture of Y/n, Grant, and I at a board walk, with Cooney Island in the background. Grant was up on my shoulders, with my metal arm holding onto one of his legs and the other wrapped tightly around Y/n. The sun was setting across from us when the picture was taken, so it cast a golden hue to our figures. I smiled faintly at the picture, but my head snapped up when I saw a van fly past me and screech into the parking lot of said hospital.

I put my phone away and silently followed the van. I reached the corner of the parking garage of the hospital, when I heard hushed voices, speaking in rushed tones.

I maneuvered my way around until I was silently watching the pair from behind a concrete support beam. I saw the smaller of the two give the bigger guy a wad of cash, and then the bigger one opened up the doors to a separate, bigger black van that I hadn't seen. Inside the back were crates of what I could concur were illegal weapons, along with two bulkier men, decked out in SWAT-like armor.

Just when the bulkier men were moving the crates, I bit the pin off of a smoke bomb, and it silently rolled underneath the blue van, and smoke was filling the area in no time.

Within a. Few seconds, there were a lot of panicked voices, and the smoke was so thick that you couldn't see two feet in front of you. I saw my opportunity and took it, quickly locating the smallest man and knocking him out silently, he was not armed. I could hear rushed footsteps and when I glanced over my shoulder, a bulky figure threw the butt end of his hun at me. I dodged it and knocked the weapon out of his hold and kicking it away. I took out my knife and went for his gut, and he had the opposite idea, swiping my cheekbone with his blade. This enraged me and I threw a swift punch at him with my metal arm, hearing a sickening crack, and then him falling to the ground.

I didn't spend anymore time on him and started to pace around, looking for the other two.

The smoke started to dissipate and I panicked when I saw the black van peeling out of the parking garage. I thought fast and jumped into the blue van and I made the tires squeal as I sped after the black van.

I unholstered one of my pistols and stuck my upper half out of the window. I managed to shoot two of the back tires out, along with the back window. I had a clear shot at the other SWAT dressed man and I took the opportunity, but as soon as I pressed my metal finger on the trigger, the gun clicked signaling that it was out of bullets.

"Damnit." I cursed under my breath as I got back in the window, pulling my large gun on my back. No way I'd run out of ammunition now, this things got a whole magazine in it.

I shot the second bulky guy through the broken back window and I smashed my foot on the gas so that I could get right next to the black van. Just as I was right beside the van, I rolled down the window and shot the man clean in the head through his closed window. The black van kept on speeding ahead, and I watched it go, unaware of the upcoming obstacle ahead.

Before I knew it, I was off of my seat and the top of my head had hit the roof of the van because of the impact. The airbags exploded and my head slammed against them with the crash. There were two concrete blockages in the middle of the road because of construction, and the black van had met the same fate to the right of me.

I sighed out a shaky breath, and ripped the van door off of its hinges. I walked a good distance away before I sat down on the concrete and leaned up against the concrete railing of the bridge that I had apparently been driving on. Don't shoot and drive kids, you'll get lost.

I pulled my phone out, happy to see it still intact, and called Fury, informing him that I had a mess for him to clean up.

There was a specific team for these sort of cleanup jobs, and they were at the site in no time, not asking any questions except for "is there any more?" They were apparently trained to get rid of SHIELD's messes before the public saw them and panicked, and take people into custody.

I didn't stick around after the cleanup services had arrived, only having one place on my mind ever since I had left the safety of my room. Home.


Ahhhh!!! Sorry for not updating in so long! My life has been chaotic!! I hope you understand. DUN DUN DUHHHHH, were do y'all think Bucky is headed?


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