Chapter 3

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Bucky's POV

It was way too early for this. I just wanted to sleep on this fine Tuesday morning , but Steve woke me up at six o'clock sharp to go on a run with him. I usually would have said no to him, but when I looked at my alarm clock on my bedside table, I noticed that it was an hour later than when normally goes on his runs, and I felt bad for making him late.

Steve had the same route he went on every morning, and I just just tagging along for the ride.

We kept a fast jog all the way through Manhattan, but slowed it down once we were in Brooklyn, and I could see why. The neighborhood was beautiful, you'd never think that the battle of New York was only a couple of years ago. By now we were at a leisurely walk. As I was in a daze, something caught my eye, well, more like someone.

A little boy and a woman that looked exactly alike, were bent down slightly by a tree. I scrunched my eyebrows at them, confused. But as we got closer to them, I heard the woman counting to three, and then shouting 'GO' to the little boy. I watched in amusement as they both shot down the street, and I hit Steve's shoulder and pointed to them.

"Looks like she's got her life together." Steve chuckled as he continued to walk on through Brooklyn, me shortly behind him.

By the time Steve and I had reached the tower, I was still thinking about the strange encounter we had earlier. When we were headed towards the door, Steve hung back behind me to hold the door open for someone. I didn't see who it was until I glanced over my shoulder and saw the woman and the little boy, the boy staring up at Steve and I in awe.

We all headed to the elevator and stood there in silence for a few seconds before it was broken by a little voice.

"See momma, I told you that other superheros lived with Iron man." The little boy looked up at his mom from his place beside her.

"Sounds like a full house." The mother mumbled, the boy didn't catch it, but Steve and I did and chuckled a little to ourselves.

"You have no idea." I spoke lowly.

The adults shared a friendly chuckle as the boy kept on staring at me and Steve. He turned around and had his mom bend down to his level so that he could whisper something that I didn't catch in her ear. She nodded down at him and next thing I knew, he was over directly in front of me with his hand stuck out.

"Hi Mr Barnes! I'm Grant, and that's my momma." I shook his hand hesitantly and grinned back to him nervously, looking at Steve for help and only getting a nod.

"It's nice to meet you, Grant." I spoke down to the boy and I bent down slightly to his level.

"See momma! This is the guy with the metal arm I was telling you about!" He turned back to his mom and then back to me.

"She called you a 'cool dude'." He then whispered to me and then went over to say hello to Steve.

I looked over at his mom and moved over to her side of the elevator, giving Steve and Grant room to do whatever they pleased.

"I'm Bucky, by the way." I held my left hand over for her to shake.

"It's nice to meet you, Bucky. I'm
Y/n." She shook my hand without hesitation, but pulled back slightly.

I became slightly insecure under her gaze and I backed into the corner more, looking at my feet in shame. I apologized to her and she tilted her head.

"Oh no, you're fine, your hands just cold is all." She grinned up and me and I returned her look.

I kept stealing glances at the woman next to me and that was when I really got to look at her. She had h/c hair, and e/c eyes, both identical to her son, Grant. She was dressed slightly formal, wearing a nice top that hung off her shoulders and a pair of jeans.

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