Chapter 8

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Your POV

When I woke up, I felt weight being shifted around, and then suddenly I was freezing. I groped around for warmth on the other side of the bed, only to come up empty. I frowned as I finally opened my eyes to be met with an empty bed. I could have sworn that Bucky spent the night.

I was about to go back to sleep when a body came barreling into my bedroom and jumped on the bed, another one following shortly after it.

"Five more minutes!" I groaned as I rolled over onto my stomach, shoving my face into a pillow that smelled like Bucky.

"I'm gonna be late for school! It's my last day momma!" Grant sounded frustrated as he tried to move my head to the side so that he could pull my eyelids open so that he could see if I was awake or not.(kids smh)

I rolled back over onto my back and looked up to see Bucky and Grant sitting Indian style on the bed on my left side, both already dressed for the day. I pouted at both of them, trying to convince them to let me stay in bed.

"You've just got one last day of this then he'll be out for the summer, sweetheart." Bucky pecked my pouting lips he went over to my closet and I heard Grant make a gagging noise.

I pushed Grant over with my foot, and it escalated to a tickle fight that I was obviously winning. Our battle ceased when Bucky came back into my room with a pair of stretchy high-waisted jeans that I loved, one of his large t-shirts that I had stolen from him, and even a bra. I smiled sleepily at him and went to give him a kiss but he only playfully shoved me back onto the bed.

"Go brush your teeth and get dressed before Grant's late." He smirked at me and pranced out of the room, Grant following close behind him like a lost duckling.

I pulled myself out of bed and walked to the bathroom with a little more energy than usual. Despite me not being a morning person, I was over the moon to wake up to my two favorite boys. I quickly brushed my teeth and changed, doing my hair up in a quick (hairstyle of your choice).

I grabbed a pair of socks and hopped around as I put them on and then I was out of the bedroom. I headed down the stairs and went to the kitchen, seeing Bucky and Grant munching on some toast, both sitting identically next to each other at the kitchen bar. I smiled fondly at them and made my way over, snatching Bucky's toast from his metal hand as I passed. He mocked an offended look and I shrugged at him in response.

"Momma please don't take my toast." Grant spoke as he took a large bite of his.

"Grant, honey, I wouldn't dream of taking your toast. At least not yet." I smirked at him and he quickly scarfed down the rest of the piece.

Me and Bucky shared a laugh at him, and I glanced down at my watch, raising my eyebrows at the time. I thought that I would be borderline late to take Grant to school, but I actually had enough time to walk him to school if I wanted to. I went over to the shoe rack that was below where we hung our coats by the door, and slipped on a pair of tennis shoes. Next thing I knew, two other pairs of feet were copying my actions. I didn't even try to contain my grin as I opened the door, gesturing for them both to exit. I double checked everyone, making sure they all had what they needed. Grant had his backpack, Bucky and I had our phones, And I had my purse.

"Y'all ready?" I looked expectantly between Grant and Bucky, receiving a collective nod in return.

We all held hands as we walked, making a chain with Grant in the middle. He insisted that he hold both mine and Bucky's hands. Me and Bucky swung Grants arms gently as we walked, and he giggled as we did so. The walk to his school wasn't that long, but it wasn't too short either, so we all had time to look around at the summer scenery.

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