Chapter 7

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Bucky's POV

     The movie was way past halfway over and I continued to watch the movie even though I had felt both
Y/n and Grant relax as they fell into a deep sleep. By now, Y/n was leaned up against me with her head on my chest, and Grant was laying mostly on his mom, with his head in my lap. I looked down at the pair and smiled at myself. How the hell did I manage to get this lucky?

     I stayed in that position until the credits rolled and even then I was dreading getting up, knowing that I would wake at least one of them up in the process of moving around and trying to get them upstairs. I knew Grant slept like a rock so I many we'd him around first, scooping him up and expertly moving an extra couch cushion under his mother's head so that she wouldn't wake up from too much shift in her position.

     I quietly made my way up the stairs and tiptoed into Grants room. I pulled back his comforter and gently laid him down in his bed, carefully pulling the blanket back over him and tucking him in. I thought about kissing his head Goodnight, but fought against it, that was until I reached the doorframe of his bedroom. I looked at his sleeping form over my shoulder, and lost the internal battle as I crept over and kissed his head gently in Goodnight. Little did I know that Grant smiled as I left his room and cracked the door.

     Y/n was a whole different story. I juggled her around for a few seconds until I got a good grip on her, and then carefully made my way up the stairs for the second time. I was careful not to hit her head on the doorframe as I made my way into her room. I did the same thing to her that I did with Grant, but I didn't debate the kiss on the head, it was almost a muscle memory for me. I was cracking her door when I heard her call out to me in a groggy voice.

"Bucky?" Her voice sounded so small, such a contrast to the woman I saw in the kitchen.

"Yeah, sweetheart?" I came back into her room and made my way over to sit on the edge of her bed.

"Stay." Even though it was dark in the room, I could practically hear her pout.

     It didn't take me very long to cave, and I was almost immediately toeing off my socks and tossing my shirt over onto the floor somewhere in the room. I made my way around her bed and lifted up the covers and crawled in the bed, settling in behind her. She was facing me in an instant, and I smiled lazily at her and let out a yawn. I wrapped her up tight in my arms as she nuzzled her head into my chest. I let out a content sigh as I shut my heavy eyelids.

"I love you, Bucky." Y/n mumbled into my chest, the vibrations of her voice on my skin sending shivers down my back, along with how much passion she put into those four words.

"I love you more, Y/n." I put my flesh hand under her chin and raised her tired head up to place a sleepy peck to her lips, which she accepted immediately with a smile.


   Sorry for the shorter chapter, but I promise the next one will be longer!


𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙒𝙖𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝘾𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙞𝙚 𝘾𝙧𝙪𝙢𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙨 Where stories live. Discover now