Chapter 2

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Your POV

     I bounced my leg excitedly as I waited for a text from Dallas saying that he was outside of the building.

     It was Monday and I had an appointment scheduled with the realtor of the house in Brooklyn that I looked at, and I was positively ecstatic to be looking at it. I had a feeling that this was the one.

     Grant was just about as exited as I was, and he couldn't sit still either. My phone pinged and I saw that Dallas sent the 'I'm here' text and I shot off the couch, pulling Grant up with me. I grabbed my purse and locked the door on my way out of the apartment, and rushed down to the elevator.

     There was a lady in the elevator already and I smiled in acknowledgment to her as Grant stood beside me, still holding my hand in his small one. Gosh I hope he never thinks he's too cool for his mom. I actually never really thought about or wanted children when I talked about my future, and I usually just put away the thought of kids, but now that Grant is here, he's practically my world. My life revolves around that little boy, and is never have it any other way now that he's here.

     I'm broken out of my thoughts by the elevator opening and Grant pulling me out of the elevator, him being just as exited as I am.

"I'm coming I'm coming!" I joked with him as I scanned the outside of the building for Dallas, finding him fairly easily.

     I've known him since grade school, so I could pick him out of a crowd just like that. He has light brown hair with dark brown eyes, he always wore glasses, and is the average height for a male.
(About 5'7"-5'8")

     He waved at me and Grant as we approached him, and we all did a once-over to make sure we didn't forget anything, then we loaded ourselves in my car and headed off to Brooklyn.


"Just park here and well walk the rest of the way." Dallas spoke as he pointed to the curb where a couple of other cars were parked.

In truth, the neighborhood was quite nice. Very clean and there weren't many cars parked around, and there were even small patches of grass and some large trees next to the sidewalks. I parked and got out of the car, Grant following close behind me, and went up onto the sidewalk, Grant grabbing my hand immediately out of habit.

"Lead the way, I have no idea where I'm going." I laughed as I gestured for Dallas to go.

It wasn't long before we were standing right in front of the building I saw in the pictures yesterday. The realtor was standing right out in front of the building and she smiled kindly as we approached.

"Hello Mrs and Mr L/n! How are you all doing today?" She greeted as Dallas held in a laugh and told her that we were doing fine.

Once the realtor was out of earshot, Grant pulled me down to his level and cupped his hand over my ear to speak to me.

"I thought Dallas only liked other boys, momma." Grant whispered in my ear and I snorted, covering it up with a cough.

I mouthed 'later' to him as we went into the house. In the realtors defense, as far as she knew we were a couple. Poor thing didn't know that Dallas was as gay as they come. (I don't mean this in an offensive way, I support LGBTQ+ and allies ofc)


The house tour went lovely, and I think Grant fell in love with it as much as I did. He had already picked out his room.

I was talking to the realtor about the neighborhood and schools near the neighborhood while Dallas and Grant were wandering around the house.

"There's a daycare right down the street, and there's also a school a couple of blocks away." The realtor spoke to me kindly as I nodded to her.

"I really love this house, I think it's perfect for us." I smile giddily as I spoke.

"You's also perfect for another little one if you know what I mean." She winked not so nonchalantly at me and I held in a cackle.

"Oh probably not anytime soon. Maybe a dog." I was having trouble breathing from how hard I was trying not to laugh.

"We can get a dog?!" Grant exclaimed as he came barreling down the stairs and into the kitchen where me and the realtor were talking.

"Well see." I smiled at Grant and ruffled his hair as Dallas came walking into the kitchen as well.


I discussed closing costs and everything technical with the woman and she said that the papers could be signed tomorrow, along with making my first payment then as well, and I would get full possession of it on Wednesday. (It's Monday currently.)

We all politely parted ways, but as soon as we were all buckled up in the car, I burst out in a fit of cackles and snorts. It wasn't long before Dallas joined in, and Grant just looked between us with a confused expression.

"She suggested that we......can you imagine?" I laughed so hard that I had tears in my eyes and I slapped my knee as I wheezed.

Dallas was a mess beside me, laughing just about as hard as I was.

It took us a minute or so to cam down, and even then we were still a little giggly. I drove back to the apartment and we all rode the elevator up together in awkward silence, until my joy of a son broke it.

"So Dallas only likes boys, right?" Grant questioned as he looked between me and Dallas.

"Yes, Grant, he only likes boys." I laughed a little as I watched the elevator open up onto the floor that Dallas' apartment was on.

"Does he like me?" Grant looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

"Lord I hope not." I mumbled to myself and Dallas snorted beside me.

"Yes, Grant, you're like my best friend dude." Dallas spoke as he put his key into the lock.

"I'm being replaced by my own flesh and blood?" I fake gasped at Dallas as Grant grinned beside me triumphantly.

"Sorry N/n. That's just the way that the cookie crumbles." He gave a weird and fake laugh after he spoke, quoting the line from Bruce Almighty.

I fake pouted as we walked into the door, giving my childhood best friend a hard time, as usual.

"You can be my best friend momma." Grant smiled up at me as I set my purse down.

"Well I'm glad that I at least have one friend." I smiled down at him and then he pranced over to the living room floor, plopping down and petting Harley.

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