Chapter 12

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Steve's POV

We were on our third or fourth game of Uno, I couldn't tell, even though I've lost every single round since we started. Tony had just yelled Uno when we heard a scream, followed by several thuds. We all shared a look and immediately ran towards the noise.

I was there first, and I froze when I saw who's door the scream came from, Bucky's. I burst in to find Bucky holding Y/n up by her neck, her face turning pale as as less and less oxygen reached her lungs.

"BUCK STOP!" I yelled and went to pull him away from her.

Once I finally got him away from her, he immediately started to throw numerous punches at me, not pulling a single one. I blocked what I could, but he was too quick, and landed a couple into my ribs. I refused to hit him, and focused on pinning him down. We both brawled on the floor for a while, until he slipped out of my grasps and went barreling into Tony, who was already in his suit. I gasped for oxygen and looked around frantically for Y/n, not finding her anywhere. I didn't think another thought about it. A long as she was out of the room, and we kept Bucky in the room, she'd be safe.

I had a feeling of déjà vu as Tony and I fought Bucky. We weren't getting anywhere, and I was starting to tire out, blocking fewer and fewer punches. By now we had come to a stand-still. Bucky was standing in the middle of the room, as I stood in one corner, and Tony stood blocking the door. Bucky was seething, his cold dead eyes focused on me as his top half pulsed with his heavy breathing.

I was so focused on Bucky, that I didn't even notice the figure that had crept up behind him. I heard a shatter, and then Bucky fell limp to the floor.

***Back when you first came into Bucky's room***

Your POV

I was met with empty eyes and hunched shoulders. My eyebrows scrunched in concern and I reached to put a hand on his cheek, in an effort to comfort him. He flinched when my hand touched his cheek, and I frowned as I rubbed my thumb across his cheek bone. I brought my other hand up to his cheek, but as soon as it fell into place, I saw his eyes flash and in a millisecond he had thrown me onto the floor harshly, the carpet causing my skin to heat up from the sudden friction.

My head whipped around to him as I heard his heavy footsteps behind me, and I screamed bloody murder as he yanked me up by the back of my shirt, ripping it in the process. He pulled me into him and held me in a choke hold with his flesh arm. His mistake. I bit down on his arm as hard as I could, and I tasted copper in my mouth when he flung me against the nearest wall. Before I could get up to defend myself, he had picked me up my the throat, my feet dangling a few inches off of the floor.

I kicked my legs as hard as I could, and I landed one to his crotch as I heard him grunt, but he only squeezed my neck tighter. I clawed at his arm, the harsh sound like nails on a chalkboard filling the room as I tried to get his metal hand to release me.

Thoughts that only one would have while in a life or death situation flashed through my mind. I had no idea who this was, but it wasn't Bucky. This had to be the man that he warned me about. He had told me about how he was an ex-assassin, and my opinions were alike to Steve's in a sense that none of it was his fault.

Black spots invaded my vision as I heard the door to Bucky's bedroom slam open. Next thing I knew, Bucky was being flung across the room and I took my chance to make a break for it into the nearest escape out of the room, which so happened to be the bathroom.

I shut and locked the door as I looked around frantically for something to defend myself with.

Shampoo bottle? No, what am I gonna do, wash his hair?!

Towel? I could smother him, but that's not the kind of time that I have.

Razor blade? No! I don't wanna kill him!

Cmon think! I need something heavy that I could possible knock him out with. My eyes landed on the toilet, and in a moment of genius, I lifted up the lid to the tank and held it tightly, nodding to reassure myself that this was a good idea.

It sounded like people we're still having a brawl in the bedroom, judging by the sickening skin on skin contact that could be heard through the door. I unlocked the door and peaked out, seeing that the men were still struggling against each other. It seemed like I only caught the tail end of the fight, and soon they were all at a standstill. I took this as my chance and crept up towards the hulking figure in the middle of the room.

As soon as I got close enough, I hit him in the back of the head with the toilet lid so hard that it shattered. I watched him fall like a giant oak tree, almost in slow motion.

I stood there in shock, looking down at the man's limp body with wild eyes. I quickly dropped the remaining large shards of the porcelain onto the floor with a thud, and looked around the room. By now not only Steve and Tony were in the room, but the majority of the team had gathered in the room as well.

I shivered from the cool breeze of the air conditioner, and looked down, remembering that my shirt was now ripped to shreds. I calmly walked over to Bucky's closet, and grabbed the first thing I saw still hanging, which happened to be a black sweater of Bucky's.

When I came back into the room, now dressed, everyone had filed out and only Steve remained. He looked guilty as he met my eyes, and that was all it took for the dam to break. I broke down onto the floor in a sobbing mess, Steve running to me quickly to comfort.

Steve took me back to the common room of the tower, sitting me down on the couch, where Grant soon came to me and hugged me as tight as he could with his little arms. He didn't see any of what just happened, and I was grateful for that. All he knew was that his mom was upset, and he was trying to fix it to the best of his power.

We all sat in the common room for a couple of hours it seemed like, seemingly waiting for any sort of good news to pop up. By now Steve had left, along with Clint and Vision to go stay with Bucky just in case he woke up like......he was previously.

It was only Natasha, Grant, Wanda and I left in the room, And I was quick to go seek comfort in the women when Steve left. They were incredibly kind to me, being as we saw each other everyday anyways, as I was Tony's PA. My crying had now dwindled down to a sniffle and a shaky breath here and there.

"He's awake." Came Steve's voice from near the elevator, and I was quick to scramble over to him and jump in the elevator, not even waiting for another soul before I asked, well more like demanded that Friday take me to where they were keeping Bucky.

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