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Your POV

I watched from the back porch of the house as Grant wrestled with his dad in the yard, both of them focused intently on winning.

I bounced my other son on my knee, and he laughed and squealed in excitement.

It's been over three years since that last Christmas, and Bucky and I were blessed with a healthy little boy with chestnut locks, and striking blue eyes. He was an exact copy of his father. We named him Hunter Buchanan Barnes, and he was abnormally big for his age, and also a lot stronger than the average three year old. Bruce suspected that Bucky must have passed some of his enhanced DNA to the little one.

Bucky and I got married not long after Hunter was born, and it was a small ceremony. Mostly friends were there, and for the reception we ended up just all going out to a fast food restaurant since most of us were pooped. Yep, that was a day to remember. That was the first time I saw Dallas cry. He was so choked up when he walked me down the isle. I had asked him to give me away, since I had no father or parent figure left, and he'd been with me through every step of the way.

Bucky and Grant came up on the porch shortly after they had tied for three times in a row, and Grant flopped down onto the porch, his y/h/c sticking to his forehead that was caked with sweat. Bucky did the same, and I lowered Hunter easily on top of his father, watching him as he bounced up and down on his dad's chest. Bucky let out an 'oof', and smiled at one of his two sons. He cooed at Hunter and he giggled at his dad.

I smiled fondly at them and looked out over the small plot of land that Tony had so generously given to us. It was a perfect place to raise a kid.

Or maybe two.....


Omg I can't believe this book is over. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please don't forget to vote, and leave a comment if you'd like, it means the world to me.

I hope you have a wonderful life and you go achieve great things and find happiness in the world, god knows you deserve it.

-Tallie (4-6-21)

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