Chapter 6

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Your POV

It had been almost eleven months since I packed up and moved myself and Grant to Brooklyn, and my life couldn't be any more perfect.

Grant loved his new school and made lots of new friends, even a best friend that comes over for play dates regularly. He's almost finished with third grade, and he's got all A's and B's. He's been working so hard this year to try and make good grades, and I'm proud of how far he's come. That's why I plan to reward him tomorrow when he gets home from school. Tomorrow is his last day of school and I wanted to give him his surprise when he was out of school for the summer.

Bucky and I had also became closer as a pair since I first came. Bucky is now my long-term boyfriend of nine months, and I couldn't be happier. We've gone on many lunch dates, and even a few dinner dates with just the two of us. We've both silently considered taking our relationship a step further, as in him moving in with me and Grant, but we both wanted Grant's opinion before we did anything.


I was moseying around the house, cleaning up from yesterday's craft day with Bucky and Grant. I was cleaning up loose paper on the kitchen table and picking up crayons when I saw a picture that stood out to me. I picked it up as I studied the picture that was drawn with as much precision as an eight year old could manage.

It was a stick figure family, and above each figure were names. I smiled as I saw 'Grant' and 'Momma'. But my eyes froze when I looked above the third figures head, 'Dad'. My lip trembled as I looked at the tallest figure of the three. It was obvious who it was. Grant even took the time to draw Bucky's metal arm and his slightly longer hair. Tears were welling up into my eyes the longer I looked at the picture.

I was broken out of my little moment when I heard the front door open and Bucky yell a cheesy 'honey I'm home' with Grant in front of him. I got rid of any evidence of the tears and flipped the paper over face down on the table.

"Hey." I greeted them as they both came into the kitchen.

     Grant gave me a hug, and then went to go hang his backpack up on the hook where the coats were. Bucky went to kiss my cheek but hesitated, since he didn't want to push anything on Grant.

"You two can kiss. I know you both love each other." Grant spoke nonchalantly as he headed to the kitchen to get his after school snack.

     Me and Bucky shared a look before I looked away first. Neither of us had said the 'L' word yet. And no, not lice or leprosy.(Anyone get the ice age reference?)

     I was about to finish cleaning up the dining room when Bucky surprised me by pulling me into him and peppering my face with kisses. I giggled at him and tried to playfully push him away, but he only pulled me closer.

"I love you, Y/n." He whispered into my hair and I looked up at him in surprise.

     I hugged him as tight as I could and buried my face in his chest, smiling like the cat that ate the canary.

"I love you too Bucky." I spoke into his chest, still grinning.

     I'm positive Bucky heard me because he squeezed me tighter.

"Squeeze me harder and I'll pee myself." I laughed as we swayed from side to side while we hugged.

"Would hate for that to happen, doll." His chest rumbled as he chuckled.


     Bucky stayed for dinner, helped clean up, and even picked a movie out for the three of us to watch. The movie he'd picked out was 'Journey to the Center of the Earth.' That movie was a childhood favorite of mine, and in return was also Grant's. I left Bucky and Grant to set up the movie while I went and got blankets, and I soon found out that it was a rookie mistake to leave an eight year old and a hundred year old in charge of something that neither of them had more than ten years of experience in.

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