Good morning

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Namjoon POV              🔞⚠️Mature Content ahead⚠️🔞

Waking up I feel warmer and more snug than ever.

Slowly I begin to open my eyes and take in Y/N's room.

As my sleepiness starts to fade flashes from last night begin to fill my mind.

I feel a smile spread across my face as I recall last night's events.

Looking down I am welcomed with my sleeping beauty.

She is practically sleeping on top of me and drooling a bit on my chest.

Her hair is all over the place and I honestly don't mind.

Gently I get the hair off her face and watch her as she peacefully sleeps.

She looks so cute that I just watch her, smiling like a fool.

To think that after all the time and effort we put into building this relationship, all these times I held back when all I wanted was to have her as I have her now. 

All the times I questioned whether she felt for me as I felt for her.

I mean we still have a bit of a way to go to say  'I love you.'

I know that I love her, I have fallen In love with her.

I just want to make sure that she feels the same way.

I mean I think she might?! 

It's all so confusing and scary.

I decide to do something nice for her but first I need to get her off me without waking her up.

That turned out to be quite the struggle.

Every time I moved away from her she would scoot closer and snuggle.

Finally, I was able to get her comfortable hugging a pillow as I sneak to my room to get a shower and a change of clothes.

Peaking into her room one last time I smile at her as she hugs tightly to that pillow, I wish it was me but I need to fee our fur babies and get us some breakfast.

Since I am banned from cooking I'll just go buy some.

As I make my way downstairs I am greeted by a very happy Kevin and Haku lazily rubs himself on my leg.

 I feed them both and wait for Kevin to finish before taking him with me for a walk.

Walking down to this awesome toast place near our home, Kevin's tail wiggle is on overdrive.

It's the funniest thing ever.

He does his business before we reach the restaurant.

I leave him outside the store and order a few egg sandwiches, fresh fruit, and coffee for Y/N and me.

"Let's go home, boy. Y/N must be wondering where we are," I tell Kevin as we both make our way back home. 

We make it back in record time. As I enter I decide to get a bed tray and put out food on it.

Going to Y/N's room I see that her bed is empty.

I set the tray on the bed and sit as I wait for her.

Not soon after she walks out of her closet bared face with an oversized hoodie that stops right above her knee, Hair wet from the shower I'm guessing she had.

The moment she sees me, she stops in her tracks crossing her arms over her chest as she pouts.

"You left" She accuses.

Falling for my Wife. (Namjoon FF)✔Where stories live. Discover now