Domestic Life

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It has been two weeks since I brought the pups and kittens home.

They have all opened their eyes and began to walk.

Thankfully Joonie has been a great help through this whole process. I actually think he enjoys this more than he lets on.

Kevin has been adopted, Joonie truly loves our big fury baby.

He had to stay in the clinic for a few days, Those days Namjoon was moping around the house.

He looked so pitty full, it was too damn cute.

And just wanting to cuddle me or Haku, Haku couldn't stand much of it.

I of course could take so much moping so I came up with the brilliant idea to go shopping for Kevin, so when he got home he could have toys and a bed.

Bad Idea!

Namjoon went on a massive shopping spree, not just for Kevin but also for Haku, the puppies, and the kitten.

I am pretty sure he bought the whole store.

His defense was 'I need to take care of our kids and our foster kids.

 I flippin' swooned.

He was being so cute and I couldn't really say anything. It's his money after all.

Joon has also been staying at home with the furry babies when I have to go to work, You know that domesticated life.

Things like that make me fall a little bit more each day that passes.

He is so sweet, caring, so so freaking tentative and the bonus of this whole package, How freaking hot he is.

His eyes, his smile, his dimples... I think I might have a new kink all thanks to him but when he wears glasses, Lord have mercy.

My vibrator has been working overtime thanks to that man.

I am seriously scared that I might go feral one of these days and just jump him.

I think It will happen...soon.

Ugh! I haven't been his hormonal and horny since I was in high school. 

Shame on me....maybe he will punish me?

I bite my lip as dirty thoughts fill my head.

Hearing the entrance door open I am brought back to reality. 

Kevin runs there knowing very well who just arrived.

I make myself busy and wipe the counter like it's filthy or something.

"I'm home" I hear Joon say.

There is standing wearing glasses, no tie, and the first three buttons of his shirt undone. 

Totally giving me bad Clark Kent vibes.

If Clark Kent was a bad boy or your sexy bad boss... Okay, I need to stop.


I try hard not to make it obvious how I am totally fantasizing about him.

Smiling brightly I greet him and Yoongi as well.

"Hey! How was work?" I say cheerfully.

I get a 'good' from Namjoon as he comes to hug me while Yoongi grunts in annoyance.

"That good, huh?" I chuckle at him, he is such a character.

"Y/N~ah Yoongi wanted to talk to you," Namjoon tells me. " I will go freshen up and let you guys talk" 

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