Epilogue I: Christmas chaos

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Namjoon POV

This is the first time after our wedding, well our anniversary wedding that our family and friends will be gathering.

Y/N's and Jhoonys family made the trip to Korea again to spend our first Christmas together.

The last time Christmas came around Y/N and Jhonny complained non-stop about how it wasn't really Christmas.

From what my wife has told me and all the Christmas movies she has made me watch, Americans go all out on their Christmas holiday.

So here we are, first Christmas with the whole family and our friends.

Y/N went all out, the house looks like the elves threw up jolly decorations everywhere.

Again the long table is set for everyone to sit, and our guests are all wearing ugly Christmas sweaters, apparently, it's a family tradition.

Y/N and Jhonnys family made sure to get everyone ugly Christmas sweaters since they don't sell them here in Korea.

Christmas ugly sweaters are not a thing here.

The guys are happy as hell, all laughing at each other's sweaters.

"Hyung this is so cool," Kookie says laughing at Jin's sweater.

"Why is this not a thing here?" Tae says in amusement looking around the decorated house.

That is a good question, for us, Christmas is hanging out with friends eating fried chicken and cake, In America is about family.

I gotta admit that I love the American tradition a whole lot better.

"Hyung! I love your sweater!" Jimin says laughing at Yoongis sweater.

It's all black with a gray cat wearing a Christmas hat and a pair of sunglasses.

"This is cool, It makes me feel like I am in one of those Christmas movies" he smirks.

"All right everyone dinner is served" Y/N comes to the living room.

We all get up and follow her, not being able to keep my hands and lips to myself I hug her before stealing a kiss.

She has been so busy with the cooking and preparation that I haven't even reached my daily kisses quotum.

Everyone takes a seat and we begin to pass around the bowl of food.

There is so much food, mashed potatoes, chicken, ham, corn, salad, bread, green beans, macaroni and cheese, stuffed peppers, baked potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, carrots, and deviled eggs.

And that is just the dinner, I haven't even started to name all the deserts, Y/N, her mom, and sisters worked on all day.

There is enough food to feed a small village.

Everyone is talking, catching up on what everyone has been up to.

The food is being eaten and the bottles of empty wine are beginning to fill the table.

Y/N is laughing about something Jungkookie is telling her when the bell rings.

We both exchange confused looks "Is there someone else you invited?" I ask.

She shakes her head frowning, with a kiss on her forehead I go to open the door.

There standing is this huge man, well built, a foreigner. "Hello, I am looking for my wife Allison" he estates.

 "Hello, I am looking for my wife Allison" he estates

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