Let me love you

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Y/N POV                                                                ⚠️SMUT ⚠️

The rest of the night was just so much flipping fun.

I love the guys and my brother, they are just a lively bunch.

As the night draws in one by one they all start to head home with plans of doing this again.

Which Joonie and I agree to right away.

Putting all the dishes and bowls in the dishwasher before I head upstairs.

Joonie stays downstairs taking care of our fur babies and making sure all doors and windows are locked.

I quickly get in the shower to the smell of smoke off me.

I go on and so my night routine, picking some cute yet comfy clothes to sleep on.

Once done I look around my room as I sit at the edge of my bed.

Now that I am alone it hurts, my best hurts.

Why did they have to be so evil, so cruel? No matter how many times I ask myself I can't seem to find an answer.

You know they say you can't choose your family, but they are so fucking wrong.

I might not have chosen Jonnie as my family, but I chose to stay with him and love him and open my heart to him.

I chose Jhonny as my brother and the guys as well, I chose my family and the people that matter the most to me and made them my family.

That is all that fucking matters, not them, they don't matter, they are nothing to me.

Getting off my bed I walk into Namjoons room without knocking. 

As I step in he is walking out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist as he dries his hair with another towel.

He matters, He is my family, He is the one I love, He is my home.

Seeing me there he stops walking and gives me a worried look.

Without a second thought, I make my way to him and place my lips on his and I melt into him.

At first, he is startled but returns the kiss with more heat and passion than I expected. 

Deepen the kiss, I continue to assault his mouth, Pulling back his eyes are bright while we both pant heavily.

"Are you okay baby?" He asks looking at me concerned by my sudden attack.

Nodding I smile slightly "Make love to me Joonie. I need to feel your mouth, your hands, I need to feel you. Please make love to me"

Taking in how serious I am he leads me to his bed placing me gently.

"You need me, baby? You want me? Then you got me." He says as he hovers over me.

I move my hands to touch him but he holds them placing them over my head.

"Nahuh baby, tonight I will kiss and every inch of your body. Tonight I am going to show you just how much I love you. You are gonna let me love you, right baby?" I see lust and love shine in his dark hooded eyes.

Not being able to speak as my throat has gone dry I just nod.

Moving done he takes my t-shirt in his teeth and pulls it up all the way to my neck while maintaining eye contact with me.

I squirm under him, feeling so hot, so needy.

"Be a good girl and stop squirming" He says seductively as he places a kiss on my lips before he looks at my now exposed chest.

Falling for my Wife. (Namjoon FF)✔Where stories live. Discover now